
Reign Energy: Delving into a Comprehensive Nutrition Profile

In brief, Reign Energy contains BCAAs, B vitamins, and potassium. Each can also include 10 calories and 300 mg of caffeine while also being sugar-free.

As you can see, Reign Energy is amongst the strongest energy in the market alongside Bang and Redline. Therefore, you should first consider your caffeine tolerance before setting your heart on this type of energy drink.

In this article, I’ll be examining the nutrition facts of Reign Energy so we can all make an informed decision on whether or not it’s a healthy energy drink.

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Reign Energy Drink Nutrition Facts

For a better view of Reign’s nutrition facts, refer to this table.

Standard ValuesReign (16 fl.oz)
Energy10 calories
(Of which Saturated)
(Of which Sugars)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)21.6mg
Vitamin B62.0mg
Vitamin B126.25μg
The nutritional value of a 16 fl.oz can of Reign.
The nutritional facts behind a can of Reign Energy Drink.
Reign Energy Drink Nutrition Facts.

Reign Energy Drink Calorie Content

A 16 fl. oz can of Reign usually has somewhere between 0 – 10 calories, which is a significantly lower amount than many other sugary energy drinks.

For reference, a standard 8.4 fl. oz can of Red Bull has 80 calories, while a 16 fl. oz can of Monster has 210 calories. Therefore, the calories in Reign are pretty low and won’t affect your diet that bad.

There aren’t many calories in Reign, which is great if you’re looking for a low-calorie drink.

The daily recommended caloric intake for healthy adults is between 2000 to 2400 calories for women and 2400 to 3000 calories for men.

As such, Reign works best when you also consume some healthy calories to fuel your cells, so you don’t suddenly run out of actual energy halfway through your task.

Reign Energy Drink Ingredients

Here’s a quick look at the ingredients of a standard Reign Energy Drink:

  • Carbonated Water
  • Citric Acid
  • Sodium Citrate
  • L-Leucine
  • Natural Flavors
  • Caffeine
  • L-Isoleucine
  • L-Valine
  • Sodium Benzoate
  • Sucralose
  • Potassium Citrate
  • Potassium Sorbate
  • Acesulfame Potassium
  • Niacinamide (Vitamin B3)
  • Magnesium Lactate
  • Coenzyme Q-10
  • Pyridoxine Hydrochloride (Vitamin B6)
  • Cyanobalamin (Vitamin B12)
The back of a can of Reign listing its ingredients.
Reign Energy Drink Ingredients List.

Reign Energy Caffeine Content

Each 16 fl. oz can of Reign contains 300mg of caffeine that is naturally sourced from green coffee beans and tea leaves.

With 300mg of caffeine, Reign is one of the strongest energy drinks available, right alongside the likes of Bang and canned G Fuel.

The extra caffeine is beneficial during your daily workout, as it has been noted to increase exercise performance.

Even so, 300mg is a lot of caffeine unless you have a pretty high caffeine metabolism. You probably shouldn’t be downing a full can of Reign in one go, especially if you happen to be caffeine-sensitive.

The FDA recommends that you limit your daily caffeine intake to a maximum of 400mg, as any more might lead to a caffeine overdose. Also, too much caffeine can also lead to some notable side effects, namely:

  • Insomnia
  • Anxiousness
  • Increased Heart Rate
  • Digestive Issues
  • Nausea
  • Headaches

Therefore, do not overindulge in highly caffeinated beverages to avoid the side effects and to reap the benefits of energy drinks.

How Much Sugar Is In A Reign Energy Drink?

As Reign is sugar-free, you don’t have to worry about all that pesky sugar possibly ruining your health.

While this means you won’t get that good old dopamine hit you usually get from sugary energy drinks, it’s a decent trade-off in my view considering it’s also a lot healthier.

You also don’t have to worry about getting a sugar crash from Reign, as there’s not really anything in it that can raise your blood sugar levels by a significant amount.

Does Reign Energy Have Artificial Sweeteners?

While free of regular sugar, Reign Energy contains some artificial sweeteners, namely sucralose and acesulfame potassium.

As both sucralose and acesulfame potassium are zero-calorie sweeteners, you’ll be getting the sweetness without all the guilt that comes along with it, which is a plus.

That said, controversies about the long-term use of artificial sweeteners do exist, but the FDA has approved them for general use. As long as you’re not consuming too many artificial sweeteners, you should be just fine.

However, if you’re not too keen on artificial sweeteners and would prefer some old-fashioned sugar, have a look at the article I’ve written on the best energy drinks with less sugar for some great options.

Other Ingredients In Reign Energy Drink


Reign contains 1000mg of BCAAs (Branch-Chained Amino Acids), which includes L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Valine.

BCAAs provide you with a source of protein along with a whole host of possible benefits, namely:

  • Increasing muscle growth
  • Decreasing muscle soreness
  • Reduce exercise fatigue
  • Preventing muscle deterioration

Given that Reign generally advertises itself as a pre-workout drink, having BCAAs does seem like a pretty good addition to your exercise routine.

However, you’re probably going to get the necessary amount of BCAAs from a moderately varied diet, so the benefits from Reign may not really be as pronounced as advertised.

So, while the BCAAs in Reign seem beneficial, a balanced diet means that the BCAA content in Reign is rendered a bit of a moot point.


B-Vitamins are present in most energy drinks, including Reign.

I’ve listed all the B-Vitamins found in Reign in the table below, but if you want more information on B-Vitamins, Harvard has a pretty handy resource here.

Amount per 16 fl.oz of ReignTolerable Upper Intake Level
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)21.6mg35mg
Vitamin B62.0mg100mg
Vitamin B126.25µg–
Details of the B-Vitamins in Reign.

Is Reign Suitable For A Keto Diet?

As Reign is sugar-free and doesn’t have complex carbohydrates, it should be completely compatible with a standard keto diet.

The keto diet provides health benefits such as weight loss and general health improvements.

If you’re on the keto diet, you will want to reduce your carbohydrate intake. As Reign doesn’t seem to have any sugars or complex carbs, it should be perfectly compatible with the keto diet.

For more information on how suitable Reign is for your diet, be it vegan or gluten-free, check out the article here, and for more information on the keto diet and energy drinks, read all about it in my comprehensive guide.

Reign Energy Drink Side Effects

As long as you’re relatively healthy, and keep your caffeine intake at a tolerable level, you shouldn’t experience any adverse effects from Reign.

Like most caffeinated beverages, the main concern always lies in overdosing on caffeine, which can lead to some notable side effects, as stated above.

Given that Reign has 300mg of caffeine by default, it’s pretty easy to find yourself going over the daily recommended caffeine limit, especially if you’ve already had a caffeinated beverage beforehand.

While energy drinks such as Reign can give you a pretty good boost, be sure to know your caffeine tolerance, or you might find yourself a lot more jittery than usual.

Can You Drink 2 Reigns in a Day?

You shouldn’t drink two cans of Reign in a single day.

Two cans of Reign Energy bring you 600mg of caffeine – something probably an average body can’t tolerate. If you do that, you’re bound to experience caffeine OD and other symptoms related to excessive energy drink consumption.

For safety, a can of Reign once in a while is acceptable. It’s best to space out your consumption to avoid system shock.

Read here to learn more about the side effects of Reign Energy.

Reign VS Coffee

When it comes to a can of Reign or a cup of coffee, it really comes down to personal preference and what you’re actually looking for in your caffeinated drink.

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed caffeinated beverages on the planet, so Reign would really have to stand out in order to sway the hardened coffee drinkers out there.

For the most part, energy drink consumers and coffee enthusiasts rarely cross paths. Although both do similar things, there are few details as to why you might prefer one over the other.

It mostly comes down to what you enjoy from a caffeinated beverage; do you like the rich aromatic flavor of coffee? Or do you prefer the carbonated, buzzy feel and a wide variety of flavors of an energy drink?

Ultimately, the choice is up to you, and no matter what you decide, it’s a good idea to keep in mind that although caffeinated beverages may be great, you can definitely have too much of a good thing.

If you want some more information on the whole coffee versus energy drink debate, check out my article where I cover things in a lot more detail.

Coffee VS Energy Drinks

Reign Energy Drink Flavors

Reign has a pretty wide selection of flavors, which are mostly fruit-inspired:

  • Orange Dreamsicle
  • Melon Mania
  • Peach Fizz
  • Razzle Berry
  • Sour Apple
  • Carnival Candy
  • Lemon HDZ
  • Strawberry Sublime
  • Mang-o-Matic
  • Lilikoi Lychee
  • Cherry Limeade

Reign Energy Alternatives

Reign may be great if you work out a lot and can handle so much caffeine all at once, but here are some other good options:

There are also some awesome powdered options such as:

I usually prefer energy drink powders over the ready-to-drink variety because they’re more convenient and versatile, but also usually a lot more affordable.

REIZE (10 out of 10)

REIZE powder being poured into a glass.
REIZE is awesome.

While Reign may have some pretty interesting nutritional facts, I feel that REIZE is definitely a cut above.

If you’re not into caffeine that much, REIZE Energy is worth checking. Each serving is loaded with 50mg of caffeine along with energy-boosting properties like taurine, ginseng, and B vitamins.

I like that it’s sugar-free and that it only contains 11 calories per serving.

You can carry REIZE packets with you anywhere as it comes in 4g sachets. It’s convenient for someone on the go and always needs an extra boost. You can mix REIZE powder with your favorite too – tea, water, soda, and so on!

I am happy to tell you that you can get this portable energy beverage for only a dollar per drink shipped straight to your door.


Try REIZE today and I’m sure you’ll soon agree that it’s a smarter option than Reign.

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