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Energy Drinks and Appetite: The Truth Revealed

Energy Drinks and Appetite: The Truth Revealed

Energy drinks are mainly composed of caffeine, and caffeine as a calorie-burning agent may temporarily decrease hunger for a short period of time. Even when you’re not doing anything, caffeine seems to boost your resting metabolic rate.

However, appetite suppressants are a specific kind of medicine used to help people lose weight. They affect your brain’s desire to consume food; thus, you consume fewer calories and eventually reduce body weight.

But can energy drinks work as appetite suppressants? We’ll find out in this article.

Can Energy Drinks Make You Fat?

Yes, energy drinks that contain calories do have an impact on your weight.

The sugar component in energy drinks accounts for the majority of the calories they possess. Calories from energy drinks may not look much, but they will likely result in significant weight gain if taken in large quantities over time.

According to research, soft drinks, including energy drinks, play a substantial part in obesity. In the coffee category, black coffee is generally the go-to beverage for people trying to keep their calorie consumption under control while still getting a caffeine boost.

If you dislike the taste of black coffee, you can have other alternatives like calorie-free energy drinks.

What Energy Drinks Are Appetite Suppressants?

Energy drinks that contain high levels of caffeine can serve as an appetite suppressant. According to studies, individuals suffering from eating disorders are the ones who are more likely to consume excessive caffeine, artificial sweeteners, and liquids.

That’s why people suffering from eating disorders resort to energy drinks to boost their energy levels while also suppressing their hunger. Even though there are severe medical risks associated with the abuse of these beverages, they still continue using them.

Here are some brands of energy drinks that include massive amounts of caffeine:

ENERGY DRINKSCaffeine Amounts
Spike Hardcore Energy350 mg
Bang Energy Drink300 mg
Adrenaline Shoc300 mg
Raze Energy Drink300 mg
G Fuel Energy Drink300 mg
For more information, if Caffeine is really an appetite suppressant, go and check this video!

Do Energy Drinks Boost Metabolism?

A few of the components found in energy drinks may help speed up metabolism. They’re packed with caffeine, which boosts the amount of energy your body spends while ingesting them.

Some energy drinks also contain taurine, an amino acid, which has been shown to increase metabolic rate and aid in fat burning.

Additionally, the rate at which you burn calories while at rest is referred to as your resting metabolic rate. That means the greater your metabolic rate, the easier it will be for you to reduce weight, and the greater the amount of food you can consume without gaining weight.

Furthermore, studies found out that caffeine can enhance your metabolic rate by 3–11%, with higher dosages giving better results. 

Watch the video to know more about the link between coffee and appetite suppressants!

Is Caffeine an Appetite Suppressant?

Yes, but caffeine is not a reliable appetite suppressant.

Researchers have shown that individuals who take caffeine eat 10% fewer meals than those who do not consume caffeine. But, that same research also stated that the benefits of caffeine do not sustain all through the day.

When caffeine is consumed, it reduces hunger and alters appetite hormones, which may even help you generally eat less. But caffeine consumption may also distort the person’s ability to evaluate hunger.

The key point is that caffeinated beverages may cause you to consume a little less in a single meal, but they have no long-term effects. Besides, energy drinks should not be depended upon as an appetite suppressor as the product’s additional influences may create other health problems.

Do Energy Drinks Make You Feel Full?

Energy drinks can make you feel full but do not make you full. I know that’s confusing but hear me out.

The science underlying the use of energy drinks and their impacts on the body may have unintended consequences, such as feeling full but not in a healthy way. Its calorie contents give the sensation of being full, but not all calories are the same. Genuine satiety or being full can only be achieved by having a healthy, balanced diet.

Also, since sugar-free drinks mislead your body into believing it is receiving sugar, the metabolism of other calories is influenced as well. Therefore, you may experience an increase in the rate of fat storage and decreased energy utilization. These effects may leave you feeling hungry and desiring even more food, ultimately leading to unhealthy eating habits.

Diet Energy Drinks

Anyway, for those of you who are interested in trying out energy drinks that are low in calories, check out the brands listed below!

Rockstar Sugar-Free

The ingredients of Rockstar sugar-free include taurine, Panax ginseng root, guarana seed extract, and caffeine, all of which are effective for weight loss. Plus, it contains 160mg of caffeine every 16 oz can.

The nutrients mentioned above also assist in increasing metabolism and speeds up the fat-burning process. Having those nutrients may result in improved weight management.

In addition to Rockstar sugar-free, there are two other variants produced by Rockstar that are also sugar-free, including the following:

  • Rockstar Zero Carb
  • Rockstar Pure Zero

Red Bull Total Zero

Red Bull Total Zero is one of the most popular diet energy drinks available. It is known for the fact that it contains no sugar or carbohydrates. Each can contains 80 milligrams of caffeine.

Caffeine, taurine, and B group vitamins are some of the components in this beverage that may help speed up the metabolism of those who consume them. Consequently, you will also be able to burn more fat if combined with proper diet and exercise.

Other energy drinks you might consider are as follows:

REIZE (Top Pick)

It’s time for REIZE! My most favorite thing about this energy drink is that it is in powdered form and comes in handy 4g sachets.

One of its ingredients includes taurine, caffeine, B vitamins, and ginseng extract, all of these are excellent sources of nutrients for weight loss. It contains 1000mg of taurine and 50 mg of caffeine, which is a moderate quantity that won’t make you feel jittery or anxious.

Taurine is an amino acid that is helpful in weight reduction. It aids in the burning of more fat by increasing the body’s metabolic rate. Aside from that, ginseng has a stimulating effect and has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years to promote productivity.

Together, they give your body the ideal energy boost to help you get through your exercises more effectively in a single energy drink. 

The more you exercise, the more fat you burn, and the greater the amount of weight you will lose. Also, REIZE offers incredible value for money, costing as little as around $1 per serving, and you can even have your orders shipped to your home!

Try REIZE now and achieve that fit and healthy body you always wanted.

Final Thoughts

Caffeine does not work well as an appetite suppressant in general.

In spite of the claims of caffeinated products help in weight reduction, they should still be taken cautiously. Don’t get me wrong. Caffeine is generally safe, primarily when used in moderation which is 400 mg or less per day for healthy people.

However, excessive caffeine may result in anxiety, sleeplessness, nausea, elevated blood pressure, and other health risks. Having stated that, bear in mind that certain caffeinated drinks, such as energy drinks, may have a significant amount of calories and fat. 

Even the simple act of having sugar in your drinks may disrupt your weight control efforts. If you consume an excessive amount of these high-calorie beverages, you may find yourself gaining weight rather than reducing it.

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