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Runa Clean Energy Demystified: Exploring Caffeine and Ingredients

Runa Clean Energy Demystified: Exploring Caffeine and Ingredients

You would assume that Runa Clean Energy solely uses organic components just by looking at its name. You’re correct, this energy drink is USDA-certified organic.

Furthermore, its sugar is derived from organic cane, and the caffeine is obtained from Guayusa leaves.

Runa Clean Energy, made with carbonated water, organic Amazon Guayusa, citric acid, and natural tastes, delivers long-lasting energy, improves attention, and clears the mind.

In this article, I’ll go through the components of Runa in detail, as well as why you should limit your consumption.

Nutrition Facts of Runa Clean Energy

Nutrition FactsAmount Per ServingRecommended Daily Amount
Total Fat0g65g
Total Carbohydrate3g300g
Total Sugar2g25g-36g
Included Sugar2g25g-36g
Nutrition facts of Runa Clean Energy along with RDI chart.

Runa Clean Energy includes very few calories and a minimum amount of sugar along with a few sodiums to help you stay energized and hydrated.

Nutrition facts of Runa Clean Energy.
Nutrition Facts of Runa Clean Energy

Ingredients of Runa Clean Energy

The ingredients of Runa Clean Energy have been listed in the table below.

Carbonated WaterBoth young and older persons may benefit from drinking sparkling water, which helps in constipation.
Organic Brewed GuayusaIt has a number of health benefits, including the capacity to strengthen the digestive and immune systems, clean the teeth, aid in weight loss, and boost energy levels, among others.
Organic Natural FlavorsIt makes food more flavorful and keeps it out of artificial flavorings.
Natural FlavorsIt is used to enhance the taste or smell of food.
Citric AcidIt’s a prevalent ingredient in foods, cleaning products, and nutritional supplements.
Malic AcidIt may be used to acidify or flavor meals, as well as to keep them from discoloring.
Here are the ingredients of Runa Clean Energy and their purposes.

The additional compounds in Runa Clean Energy are listed above, and you can see that it lacks B vitamins, taurine, and creatine, which are common in other energy beverages.

How Much Caffeine is in Runa Clean Energy?

A 250ml can of Runa Clean Energy includes 105mg of caffeine whereas a 355ml serving has 150mg.

Caffeine provides the ‘energy’ in energy drinks. It’s a stimulant that improves mental focus, boosts brain activity, and increases alertness.

Caffeine is widely consumed by the general public due to its energy-inducing qualities. The majority of energy drinks include synthetic caffeine, which quickly dissolves in the bloodstream and provides a burst of energy.

When this brief burst of energy wears off, though, you may feel depleted and exhausted, and it’s known as a caffeine crash.

As a result, the Guayusa leaf, which is high in caffeine and antioxidants, is used in the Runa Clean Energy drink. This recedes the chances of a caffeine crash.

Anxiety, headaches, elevated heart rate, and insomnia are side effects of too much caffeine. Getting too reliant on caffeinated beverages might lead to overdosing or addiction.

To be safe, stick to the caffeine intake recommendations in this research paper. To avoid unwanted side effects, healthy persons should only consume up to 400mg of caffeine each day.

How Much Sugar is in Runa Clean Energy?

Each can of Runa contains 2 grams of sugar from the cane.

Organic cane sugar is less processed than white sugar and keeps the original sugar flavor. It also boasts a number of health benefits, including antioxidant characteristics, the ability to help with urinary difficulties, and a high concentration of vitamins and polyphenols.

It also contains a lot of soluble fiber, which might help you lose weight.

Despite these advantages, cane sugar is nearly identical to any other added sugar in an energy drink. While 2g isn’t much, if you’re diabetic or trying to lose weight, you may find that other sugar-free brands are better suited to your needs.

This research paper recommends that women should consume no more than 24g of sugar and men should consume no more than 36g of sugar.

If you’re in good health and exercise regularly, I don’t see why you shouldn’t have Runa Clean Energy in your diet. Cane sugar blends beautifully with the beverage and, in my opinion, is sweeter than normal sugar.

Guayusa Leaf in Runa Clean Energy

The Guayusa leaf is the major element of Runa Clean Energy which is an Amazonian tree that grows to be 19 to 98 feet tall and includes caffeine and antioxidants abound in the leaves of the Guayusa tree.

Guayusa tea can be made as green or black tea and has a number of health benefits, including improved metabolism and mental strength.

Runa energy drinks provide a clean and healthy energy boost. Guayusa also comprises polyphenols and l-theanine, in addition to caffeine.

What is Guayusa Good For?

Guayusa leaves contain caffeine, which helps with mental focus and alertness. Caffeine boosts your mood and concentration, allowing you to perform at your peak mental capacity.

Guayusa improves metabolism, assists weight loss, and reduces blood sugar levels, in addition to increasing brain activity. Guayusa’s antioxidant capabilities prevent oxidative stress, protecting your body from significant health problems like heart disease.

Drinking Guayusa-rich drinks late at night can disrupt your sleep schedule due to the caffeine level; therefore it’s best to consume it in the morning or mid-day.

Amazon jungle.
The jungle of the Amazon is the source of Guayusa leaves.

Is Runa Clean Energy Bad For You?

Runa Clean Energy is not bad for you if consumed moderately. It usually appeals to individuals who are trying to live a healthy lifestyle, based on the amount of care paid to the beverage’s contents.

However, as with any energy drink, excessive consumption might have severe consequences. The caffeine content would be my biggest concern. Even if it’s made from natural ingredients, which reduces the danger of jitters and other possible side effects, it’s still best to be safe than sorry.

There are some additional sugars, but not a lot. I believe you can easily burn off the 2 grams, but if you’re trying to lose weight, you should avoid Runa Clean Energy.

A Review on Runa Clean Energy

How Much Runa Clean Energy Can You Have in a Day?

You can have one to two cans of Runa Clean Energy per day.

People who consume caffeine on a daily basis are often unaffected by excessive caffeine intake; thus they can easily get away with drinking two cans every day.

If you’re new to energy drinks, start with one can in a day and gradually increase or decrease your usage based on how your body reacts.

Severe headaches, elevated blood pressure, anxiety, and jitters are all classic signs of caffeine overuse. Reduce your caffeine intake immediately if you encounter any of these symptoms.

Can You Have Runa Clean Energy Every Day?

You can drink Runa Clean Energy every day, but you should limit yourself to one can per day, especially if you’re drinking the 355ml can.

Natural components rich in energy-boosting characteristics make up Runa Clean Energy. Caffeine is the only substance to be cautious of.

Caffeine overuse can cause a variety of health issues, including:

  1. Nausea
  2. Severe headache
  3. Muscle breakdown
  4. High blood pressure
  5. Insomnia
  6. Anxiety and jitters

Things I Like About Runa Clean Energy

  1. Uses organic ingredients
  2. Doesn’t use artificial sweeteners
  3. Provides energy

Things I Don’t like About Runa Clean Energy

  1. Includes a high amount of caffeine
  2. Doesn’t include any vitamins and minerals

Where to Buy Runa Clean Energy?

You won’t have any trouble buying Runa Clean Energy. It’s accessible on various online stores, including Walmart and Amazon.

However, in my opinion, it can be quite costly. A 12-can pack costs roughly $46, equating to about $3.80 per can. If money isn’t an issue, you should give this energy drink a try.

Alternatives to Runa Clean Energy

Here are some alternative healthy energy drinks to try. Keep an eye out for one of my personal favorites!

Musashi Energy

Mushashi Energy, like Runa Clean Energy, is carbonated. It comes in three varieties, all of which are delicious. The unusual aspect of its flavor is that it has a considerably sweeter aftertaste than when you’re drinking it!

This beverage does not appeal to me because it costs around $4 per can. I hear it contains 160mg of caffeine, beta-alanine, and B vitamins, but it’s beyond my price range.

Musashi, on the other hand, is a must-try if the price is not a big deal for you.

Celsius Energy Drink

The ginseng and guarana extract in Celsius provide 200mg of caffeine. Aside from that, taurine and amino acids like l-citrulline and nitric oxide are abundant. All of these things can help to strengthen and relax your arteries, allowing for greater blood flow.

For only around $21, you can get a 12-piece set. This makes it a more affordable option than Runa Clean Energy.

The only thing about this drink that I don’t enjoy is its high caffeine content. As a result, if you’re caffeine-sensitive, you may want to stick to energy drinks with less caffeine.

REIZE (My Top Pick)

If you want to try the Runa Clean Energy Lime Flavor for a better taste and more bang for your buck, you can try my favorite energy drink, REIZE.

REIZE Energy Drink.
REIZE Energy Drink.

B vitamins, taurine, and inositol are just a few of the components in this energy drink. While it does not contain Guayusa leaf, it has organic caffeine found in ginseng extract. The fact that it only has 50mg of caffeine and 11 calories makes it more enticing.

Its modest caffeine concentration keeps me awake and alert for hours without generating any unpleasant side effects. It also comes in convenient 4g sachets that you can carry with you everywhere you go! Make yourself a refreshing glass of REIZE whenever you want.

You can get REIZE for only around $1 and you can even have your orders shipped straight to your doorstep.

Other Notable Mentions

Bottom Line

Runa Clean Energy is a safe and healthy energy source. It’s made with natural and organic ingredients. Guayusa leaves provide the major source of energy in the Runa Clean Energy. Caffeine and antioxidants abound in these leaves.

This caffeine delivers an energy boost in a timely manner, reducing the chance of a caffeine crash. The drink does not contain any artificial flavors, colorings, or components. It’s also gluten-free and vegan.

However, if you want something better, you can give REIZE a try which is an excellent energy drink that includes B vitamins, taurine, and inositol are just a few of the components with only 50mg of caffeine and comes at a cheaper price.

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