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Happiness Factor: Can Energy Drinks Really Make You Happy?

Happiness Factor: Can Energy Drinks Really Make You Happy?

Energy drinks are known to give you energy and alertness to perform your daily chores as well as keep you awake all night to study for exams.

Caffeine and taurine are two ingredients found in nearly all energy drinks that stimulate brain function and increase alertness and concentration.

Energy drinks have exorbitant amounts of sugar and caffeine. Sugar and caffeine can make you feel perky and energetic for a short period of time, but then you crash and become extremely tired, necessitating more sugar and caffeine.

Energy drinks are easy to develop a tolerance to, so only use them when you need an extra boost.

Make sure to drink plenty of water and eat a nutritious diet. Energy drinks should be used as a supplement rather than the primary source of energy for your hardworking body.

Let’s dig deep into the science of how energy drinks can make you happy for a while, as well as the after-effects of energy drinks on the human body.

Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are beverages that claim to boost energy. Caffeine is their main ingredient. They usually have sugar in them, which adds calories.

They may also include guarana plant extract (similar to caffeine), taurine (an amino acid), and vitamins.

Combining energy drinks and alcohol may be hazardous. Caffeine in these drinks can make the effects of alcohol less noticeable.

Experts advise children and teenagers not to consume energy drinks. One reason to avoid them is that caffeine is the main ingredient, which can cause the following health issues if consumed excessively:

  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • High blood pressure

Before, during, and after physical activity, water is usually the best choice. However, if you sweat a lot during intense or long-lasting activities, an energy drink may be beneficial.

A long-distance runner or cyclist, for example, could use a sports drink to hydrate and replace electrolytes.

Ingredients In An Energy Drink That Can Make You Happy

Caffeine, taurine, and vitamins are common ingredients in energy drinks. Energy drinks may also include ingredients such as glucuronolactone, flavorings, colorings, and other additives that are permitted in soft drinks.

Because of the increased diversity in composition and taste, there is now a wide range of energy drinks on the market. Many energy drinks use organic caffeine to counteract the negative effects of caffeine.

Aside from providing energy and focus, another benefit that energy drinks provide is that they can make you happy for a while. The ingredients that help improve your mood are as follows.


Sugar can elevate your energy levels.

Sugar provides an immediate energy boost that lasts between 30 and 60 minutes before wearing off. Then there’s a “crash.”

When the body obtains glucose (which is a form of sugar) from food, the pancreas secretes insulin, which signals cells to absorb the glucose; this fuels cells throughout the body, resulting in a discernible increase in energy.

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends no more than 25 g of sugar per day or 10% of an adult’s daily calories.

People associate sugar with positive emotional effects from sources such as desserts, birthday parties, and holidays, even if they think about it stereotypically. Similarly, many people turn to sugary foods specifically to improve their moods and manage stress.

B Vitamins

Vitamin B12 is a B vitamin that is required for normal brain function, nerve tissue, and red blood cell production.

Vitamin B12 and other B vitamins contribute to the production of brain chemicals that can affect mood and other brain functions.

It is required for the production of serotonin, a chemical that regulates mood. Supplementing with vitamin B12 may help improve mood in people who already have a deficiency.

Some studies also show that supplemental B12 may benefit patients without a deficiency by improving mood and reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.

The Key Role of B Vitamins


Ginseng is a root that has a long history of medicinal use. Scientific research is now confirming the herb’s ability to improve health and protect against disease.

Ginseng is an herbal plant.

It can improve mood and mental health. Participants in ginseng studies frequently report improved overall well-being, as well as improved energy, sleep, sexual life, and personal satisfaction.

It effectively regulates the immune response and hormonal changes caused by stress, allowing homeostasis to be maintained.

Ginseng prevents stress-related physiological diseases in addition to suppressing the occurrence of psychological diseases such as anxiety and depression.


Taurine, an amino acid, is one of the most abundant compounds and plays an important role in many aspects of these organs’ health and function. It is almost a neurotransmitter, which are chemicals that brain cells use to communicate with one another.

Taurine has been shown to have neuroprotective effects on brain development and to improve learning and memory.

Taurine has been shown to benefit anxiety and stress, and its neuroprotective properties can help with age-related mental decline. Discover how to make the most of taurine.

A study looked at how taurine pre-treatment affected depression-like behavior, hormones, neurotransmitters, inflammatory factors, and neurotrophic factors in the hippocampus of a chronic, unpredictable, mild stress-induced depressive rat model.

Can Caffeine Make You Happy?

Caffeine has a variety of health benefits, including improved memory and a lower risk of cancer. But why does it make us feel physically happier?

Caffeine can be addicting, so its intake should be monitored.

Caffeine drinkers are 20% less likely to become depressed and 53% less likely to commit suicide, according to studies.

One of the reasons is that caffeine causes your body to produce more dopamine in your brain, which is the chemical that makes you happy.

Caffeine can help people become more positive in their lives, according to a study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health.

It’s important to know that caffeine will make you happy for a while, but once the effect starts wearing off, you might feel a caffeine crash. It’s always important to keep your caffeine intake within a certain limit.

The FDA has cited 400 mg per day for healthy adults—roughly four or five cups of coffee—as an amount not generally associated with dangerous, negative effects such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Dehydration
  • Insomnia
  • Restlessness
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Irregular Heart rate
  • High Blood Pressure

Can Energy Drinks Make You Happy?

Energy drinks can essentially simulate both a pleasurable and stressful experience. The effect is not long-lasting, but it is sufficient for a few hours to complete your work or any other activity before a deadline.

Some of the ingredients commonly found in energy drinks, such as taurine and inositol, have been used to treat anxiety and depression.

Together with caffeine and other ingredients like ginseng, epinephrine, and guarana, they can cause the release of both pleasure-reward neurotransmitters and stress neurotransmitters.

The primary nutrient in energy drinks is caffeine. Caffeine is the main source of this energy and excitement. It can keep sleepiness and laziness at bay during work hours when you need to be alert and attentive.

Another ingredient in energy drinks that can make you happy and excited is sugar. The reason for this is that when a person consumes sugar, the brain produces massive amounts of dopamine.

When you are motivated, energetic, or active, your body releases the dopamine hormone. This hormone raises your blood pressure, making you more focused, alert, and attentive for a short period of time.

Caffeine, a natural stimulant, blocks the adenosine hormone and promotes the excretion of the dopamine hormone, causing the body to enter the “Fight or Flight” mode, resulting in a sense of wakefulness and excitement in our bodies.

How To Stay Happy Without Energy Drinks

Staying hydrated and drinking water on a regular basis will keep you active and sharp, resulting in a happy mood.

Although energy drinks can help boost your energy levels, some people dislike them because of their taste or energy crashes.

As a result, they are constantly looking for alternatives that can boost their energy while avoiding the negative effects of caffeine. Herbal teas and a healthy diet are always options.

Several healthy or psychological techniques can make you hyper without having any negative side effects. Remember that these techniques affect everyone differently depending on their body’s needs.

Here is a list of some energy-boosting alternatives to energy drinks.

Stay HydratedDrink water as much as you can; it will help you urinate more, meaning you will be flushing out your toxins, as well as your body will end up feeling active and happy.
ExerciseExercise keeps your body and muscles active, which keeps you awake. It also increases blood flow in your veins, which makes you feel more energetic.
Eat WellAlways eat a balanced diet that will keep you healthy and fit, and try to eat at a consistent time. A healthy body improves your overall mood.
Improve your SleepYour sleep hours should be consistent, and you should try to wake up early to begin your day in a better and more productive manner.
Alternatives to energy drinks

Looking at the table above, you’ll notice that all of these alternatives are simple to implement and can even help you wake up or get more energy.

Some Famous Organic Energy Drinks

Hi Ball

Hi Ball
Hi Ball contains natural caffeine.

Hi-Ball Organic Energy, also known as an energy seltzer, combines energy drinks and seltzer water.

The drink contains organic caffeine as well as organic guarana and ginseng. Hi-Ball Organic Energy also contains no calories or sugar.

The energy boost is provided by 160mg of natural caffeine, as well as guarana and ginseng extracts. Hi-Ball Energy’s simple formula gives it an advantage over other energy drinks in terms of long-term health effects.


Runa’s caffeine is emanated from Guayusa leaves, located in the Amazon Forests.

Runa’s underlying goal as a company is to have a positive impact on the environment, people, and society.

Runa includes ingredients that keep the level low while still tasting great. Caffeine from guayusa leaf is used to provide energy and mental clarity.

It is carbonated and aims to provide consumers with a natural alternative to traditional energy drinks by containing twice the antioxidants of green tea. Per 12 ounces, it contains no calories and only 2g of sugar.


REIZE is my personal favorite.

I think REIZE is the best organic energy drink on the market right now. While I agree that Runa and Hi Ball energy drinks are excellent sources of energy, this drink is similar but contains less caffeine.

It is, in my opinion, an excellent alternative to all of the high-caffeine energy drinks on the market. It is also available in powder form and can be tailored to your preferences. Personally, I prefer it on the rocks.

Try REIZE! which is also sugar-free and low in calories, containing only 11 calories per serving and containing a reasonable 50 mg of caffeine. It has little effect on your daily caloric intake.


  • Caffeine, ginseng, taurine, vitamin B12, and sugar content in energy drinks can make you happy. After consuming an energy drink, you can have a lot of energy and focus. Although this feeling of happiness and excitement may not last long.
  • Within an hour or so, the caffeine and other ingredients may begin to wear off, and a sugar crash may occur. Energy levels may decrease, and weariness may set in. This is where the negative effects of happiness might have an effect on your mood.
  • Energy drinks aren’t the only way to find happiness. Changing your lifestyle to include a healthy diet, regular exercise, and a sufficient amount of sleep can help your body feel healthy and active. This can eventually trigger content and a happy mood for you.

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