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Can Energy Drinks Make You Irritable? (Smile Please!)

Can Energy Drinks Make You Irritable? (Smile Please!)

Concerns have been raised about the potential for caffeinated energy drinks to harm mental health, particularly among young customers, who are frequently targeted.

These drinks are commonly promoted with claims of enhancing mental and physical vitality, as well as offering a temporary boost to mood and performance. Although there is some evidence to support some of these claims, the long-term impacts of energy drinks on mental health must also be addressed.

While energy drinks are convenient sources of stimulants, many healthcare professionals are concerned about their high sugar, caffeine, and additional content, such as guarana and taurine and excessive consumption of these components might result in a number of issues, including mood changes.

Please dive in if you wish to know more about this and stay acknowledged.

What is Irritability?

Irritability is a state of being agitated.

Whatever term you use, when you’re irritable, you’re more prone to become frustrated or agitated quickly. It may occur in response to stressful events. It could also be a sign of a mental or physical health problem.

Babies and young children are frequently said to be irritable, particularly when exhausted or unwell. Children, for example, frequently get cranky when they have ear infections or stomach issues.

Adults can get irritable for a number of reasons. Make an appointment with your doctor if you are frequently irritable. You could have an underlying condition that has to be treated.

Here’s a video on managing mood swings.

What Causes Irritability?

Irritability can be induced by a variety of factors. There are two broad sorts of causes: physical and psychological.

Among the most common psychological reasons for irritability are as follows:

  1. Sleep deprivation
  2. Low blood sugar
  3. Ear infections
  4. Toothaches
  5. Some diabetes-related symptoms
  6. Certain respiratory disorders
  7. Flu

Irritability has been linked to a number of mental health conditions, including but not limited to the following:

  1. Stress
  2. Anxiety
  3. Depression
  4. Bipolar disorder
  5. Schizophrenia

Most people experience irritability from time to time. For example, it’s common to feel irritable after a bad night’s sleep.

Some people experience irritability on a regular basis. Consult your doctor if your irritability is interfering with your daily life. They can assist you in determining the potential causes of your irritability.

Mood swings.
Schizophrenia often leads to mood swings that cause irritability.

How Do The Ingredients in Energy Drinks Affect You?

When taken in moderation, energy drinks are unlikely to create any health issues. However, the long-term repercussions of drinking energy drinks are poorly understood.

With all of the components in energy drinks, it’s no surprise that they might occasionally cause mental health problems.


Caffeine appears to be the main active element in energy drinks, so it is vital to evaluate the links between mental health and caffeine usage.

Although caffeine marginally helps reduce the risk of gallstones, relieve headaches, and prevent certain heart illnesses. Some studies have found favorable benefits, such as how tiny doses might improve mood.

Caffeine and other stimulants enter your body tissues and brain fast, stimulating your brain and nervous system. Caffeine, even at low doses, can have negative effects on your mood, such as a high heart rate, sleep difficulties, anxiety, depression, and restlessness.

It’s tough to know how much caffeine and other stimulants you’re ingesting because energy drink producers aren’t allowed to declare caffeine levels on the labels. According to research, some types contain more than 500mg of caffeine, which is equivalent to 14 cans of caffeinated soft drinks.


Because of its high caffeine level, guarana is a popular energy supplement.

Guarana is mostly utilized in energy drinks to boost energy levels and athletic and mental performance.

During my investigation into guarana, I discovered the following:

  1. It was never mentioned that the maximum daily guarana dosage is regarded as safe.
  2. Guarana is regarded safe in little amounts, however minor adverse effects such as insomnia, anxiety, elevated heart rate, and gastrointestinal irritation may occur after use.
  3. In higher amounts, it is dangerous and perhaps lethal.
  4. It can cause an increase in heart rate and high blood pressure at large levels.
  5. Seizures can result from an overdose.

Using guarana in very high amounts by mouth can induce agitation and anxiety, and it can be dangerous and even fatal.


Who hasn’t heard of sugar? It’s wonderful, sweet, and used in practically anything you can think of, including energy drinks.

If you consume too much sugar, you will most certainly have health problems. Too much sugar has been linked to the following health conditions:

  1. Skin damage
  2. Tiredness
  3. Bloating
  4. Weight gain
  5. Diabetes

But what you might not know is that sugar has directly been associated with mood swings. Want to know how? Read on.

As shown in the list above, sugar has a direct link with diabetes, and did you know that diabetes mood swings go hand-in-hand.

Sugar heart waffles.
Sugar and mood swings go hand-in-hand but very few people know about them.

Diabetes, regardless of kind, causes mood swings. The underlying causes of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, as well as mood swings, are the same. The rising and falling of moods are not arbitrary. They are associated with diabetes and have a variety of causes:

  1. Blood glucose (sugar) fluctuations
  2. Diabetes distress
  3. Uncontrolled diabetes
  4. Depression


Ginseng has been associated in certain studies with agitation in patients with schizophrenia.

It has been associated with agitation or anxiety, thus it may not be the ideal choice for increasing relaxed energy levels.

Ginseng is commonly associated with low blood pressure, diarrhea, sleeplessness, headache, loss of appetite, mood changes, dizziness, breast pain, and rapid heartbeat.

Benzoic Acid (Sodium Benzoate) and Sorbic Acid

These are most typically seen as a preservative in energy drinks and a recent investigation published in this paper discovered that excessive doses of benzoic and sorbic acid might induce serious health concerns such as metabolic acidosis, seizures, and hyperpnea.

Few surveys and research undertaken discovered that food dyes aid in mood-altering; sodium benzoate was also identified as a cause that was linked to causing children to lose focus.

Citric Acid

The citric acid in energy drinks is mostly synthetic. This research paper recently released a case study in which four people experienced joint discomfort with swelling and stiffness, muscle and abdominal pain, and stomach cramps after eating items containing artificial citric acid.

Citric acid is a weak organic acid that is abundant in citrus fruits. However, excessive consumption has shown the signs of mood swings with a few other severe health issues among a few individuals, and is strictly advised to seek advice from professionals if this happens.

Other Ways to Get Your Daily Boost of Energy

There are numerous options for gaining a daily energy boost. Instead of grabbing an energy drink, here’s a list of other things you may do to boost your energy levels.

Get Active

Exercise is critical to living a healthy lifestyle. Exercising can help you improve your fitness and general health.

According to some sources, there are numerous advantages of exercising. However, you do not need to engage in strenuous exercise to reap the benefits. Even going for a brief stroll might have a notable effect on your energy levels.

When was the last time you urgently needed a boost of energy? Simply do some simple exercises and see how good you feel afterward.

Get More Rest

You should obtain at least eight hours of sleep per day, however, some people may need less. Rest, on the other hand, is frequently the first thing to go when we’re rushing to meet deadlines.

Most people reduce the amount of time they should spend sleeping. They have no idea that getting enough rest might help in raising your energy levels.

Proper rest can elevate your overall mood.

If you’re having trouble sleeping due to work stress or personal troubles, try meditation to calm your mind and fall asleep more quickly.

You should also avoid using phones or other electronic gadgets right before going to bed. The usage of electronic gadgets has been connected to the emission of blue light, which can make it difficult to fall asleep.

Rehydrate Yourself

Your body is composed of 60% water and dehydration can be caused by not drinking enough water, which can lower your energy levels.

Dehydration might make you tired throughout the day. You lose water through perspiration and urine as you go about your day. It is advisable to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

Avoid Smoking

Smoking is one of the most detrimental things you can do to your energy levels.

Cigarette components such as nicotine are extremely hazardous and raise your chances of developing health problems in the long run. This can have an influence on the effectiveness of your lungs.

Over time, there will be insufficient oxygen moving throughout your body, making you feel tired which eventually leads to mood swings.

If you smoke and want to increase your energy levels, the greatest thing you can do is quit. You might also try smoking e-cigarettes, which have various nicotine-free options.

Eat a Balanced Diet

The human body needs fuel to function properly. If you’re constantly exhausted, it’s time to reconsider your dietary habits.

Eating natural meals rather than processed foods will offer your body the nutrients it requires to function optimally.

You can begin by making simple dietary modifications. Begin by eating more vegetables and fewer fatty things. You might notice an increase in your energy levels as a result of this alone which constantly improves your mood too.

Be Social

Humans are social beings and maintaining social relationships is critical to living a healthy life.

Social isolation can lead to depression, which can have an impact on your mood and energy levels. Sometimes you just want to be away from people since being near them might drain your vitality.

Isolating yourself may be harmful to increasing your overall energy levels.

People who have strong and healthy social bonds are often happier and less unhappy. They are also less likely to be stressed by difficult conditions. People with greater energy tend to be happier.

Reduce Stress

People frequently experience stress in their lives.

This can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health over time. According to research, stress is frequently associated with low energy levels.

There are numerous methods for reducing stress and yoga, taking time off from work, and exercise are all ways to relieve stress.

You might also try meditation, which has been shown time and again to aid with anxiety and stress reduction.

You Can Go for REIZE!

If you’re still seeking an energy drink that will give you the boost you need without the negative side effects, REIZE could be the answer.

REIZE contains less caffeine than typical energy drinks, yet it is still high in taurine and vitamins, which are beneficial to your general health. You may even mix the powder with ordinary water if you like, making it gentler on your stomach than many other fizzy energy drinks.

Nutritional ValueAmount Per Serving
Nutritional Value of REIZE Energy Drink

As you can see REIZE energy drink includes 11 calories along with zero sugar and only 50mg of caffeine.

REIZE can be shipped directly to your door for roughly $1 per drink, which is far less expensive than most other energy drinks on the market.

REIZE Energy Drink.
REIZE Energy Drink


While energy drinks are convenient sources of stimulants, many healthcare professionals are concerned about their high sugar, caffeine, and other components, such as guarana and taurine, and believe that excessive consumption of these components may result in a variety of problems, including mood changes.

Concerns have been expressed concerning caffeinated energy drinks’ potential to affect mental health, particularly among young customers. These drinks are frequently sold with claims of increasing mental and physical energy, as well as temporarily improving mood and performance. Although some of these claims are supported by studies, the long-term effects of energy drinks on mental health must also be considered.

REIZE could be the answer if you’re still looking for an energy drink that will give you the boost you need without the harmful side effects.

Try REIZE! It includes less caffeine than traditional energy drinks while still contains appropriate levels of taurine and vitamins, all of which are excellent for your overall health, and you can have it just for $1.

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