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Stay Alert: Finding the Best Energy Drinks to Perk You Up

Stay Alert: Finding the Best Energy Drinks to Perk You Up

If you’re feeling tired and you’re finding it difficult to concentrate, you might want to reach for a sip of your favourite energy drink. Not only will it give you a much-needed perk, but it might also help you focus better on whatever you’re doing. 

In this post, I’ll be taking a look at which are the best energy drinks to rely on when you need to increase your alertness.

Stick around because I’ll be suggesting a few good energy drink brands for alertness at the end.

Let’s get started…

What Causes A Lack Of Alertness?

There are many reasons that may cause you to have trouble staying alert. 

Here are some common factors:

  • Extreme tiredness or lack of sleep
  • High or low blood sugar
  • Heatstroke

What Can You Drink to Feel More Energised?

Here are other beverages that you can consume to feel more energised:

  • water
  • tea
  • coffee
  • Yerba Mate

Avoid added sugar, fast food, packaged snacks, candy bars, and baked sweets because they can drain energy quickly.

Do Energy Drinks Increase Alertness?

Yes, energy drinks can increase alertness.

Caffeine is responsible for giving you an energy boost when you consume an energy drink.

However, it is important that you know how much your body can tolerate. Too much caffeine can leave you with headaches, tremors, and jitters which can affect concentration.

Also, it is important to consume energy drinks at the right time. Let’s say minutes before working out or doing any task. This way you’ll get to reap the benefits of energy drinks in terms of increasing alertness.

How Can An Energy Drink Help Me Stay Alert?

There are a lot of ways energy drinks can help with your alertness. Mainly, it’s got to do with improving your energy levels since, you know, the “energy” word in its name isn’t there without good reason. 

Energy drinks are also known to help improve your concentration and memory which is great when you’re pulling an all-nighter just before an exam or when you’re rushing to meet a work deadline.

Better concentration and memory equate to an increase in alertness, and this all means that you’ll be able to perform better at your task. 

There have been many studies over a long period of time about the impact of caffeine on alertness. Indeed, caffeine is the most important ingredient in energy drinks for improving alertness, although other ingredients can also play a role.

Let’s talk about a few typical scenarios where you could benefit from an energy drink to enhance your alertness.


It’s common for students to pull all-nighters every once in a while. Cramming before an exam is one reason for doing so. 

Another would be when you’ve got an assignment or project due and you’re trying to get a lot done in a very short span of time in order to meet the required submission date. 

These are pretty stressful circumstances and you might find yourself struggling to maintain your focus.

Energy drinks will certainly help in these situations.

I’ve got another article about the best energy drinks for students so you might want to check that out to familiarise yourself with some of the best energy drinks for students if that applies to you. 


There’s really no end to work, and sometimes it gets to you when you’ve had one too many late nights because of the need to work overtime. 

In general, we can end up experiencing some pretty nasty side effects from a lack of sleep.

Although energy drinks are no substitute for a good night’s rest, they do help when we need a boost on short notice. For the most part, it’s the good old caffeine in them that helps revive us at our most needy moments. 

Hop on over to my post on the best energy drinks for work if you need more detailed advice on what’s most helpful for a work situation. 


Besides the obvious need to be in good physical shape, excelling at sports requires you to have sharp mental alertness. 

This is especially important for professional athletes, but anyone who wants to keep up a regular fitness regimen should also be thinking about how to improve their mental alertness for the best results. 

That’s where energy drinks are useful. 

I’ve got another two articles that are relevant here (one on the best energy drink for sports and another on the best energy drink for athletes), definitely check them out for more info.

What Ingredient In An Energy Drink Helps You Stay Alert?

Caffeine is the most important ingredient in your energy drink for increasing your alertness and physical performance. 

You can get caffeine from lots of different sources, but coffee, tea and energy drinks are the most common. 

Caffeine is a common ingredient in energy drinks and this is because it’s known to have positive effects on the neurons in your brain. It doesn’t, however, make you smarter or affect the speed at which you are able to learn things.

What Should I Look For When Choosing An Energy Drink?

In essence, there are three things you should consider when choosing an energy drink: 

  • Caffeine
  • Sugar
  • Price

Caffeine Content

Caffeine is useful for enhancing your alertness and concentration span.

This study found that caffeine intake had a positive effect on encoding activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. 

However, if you drink too much caffeine, it can be bad for you too.

The same study found that caffeine appeared to have a negative effect on maintenance activity in the left thalamus.

As a point of reference, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that you only consume up to a maximum of 400mg of caffeine each day.

Other studies have shown that if you consume more than that, you’re putting yourself at risk of developing cardiovascular problems, having issues with calcium balance, and experiencing negative changes in your behaviour.

So when selecting an energy drink for yourself, you should pay attention to the caffeine content in each serving. Think about how many drinks you’d like to have in one day and how much caffeine is in each of them. 

Not only that but if you already have any pre-existing health issues or if you have very low caffeine tolerance, you’ll need to take these factors into account when deciding whether a particular brand of energy drink is suitable for you. 

In my opinion, between 50mg and 100mg of caffeine per serving is the perfect amount.

More than 100mg of caffeine in a single-serve can sometimes have a negative effect on me. Hot flushes, racing pulse, unable to concentrate. Not good.

Of course, everyone is different though and some people like really strong energy drinks.

Whatever you decide, always make sure you stick to the recommended daily limit for caffeine as advised by the FDA and you should be fine.

AgeRecommended Daily Amount
Kids60-80 mg
Teenagers 100 mg
18 and above400 mg
Overview of how much the FDA recommends you take your caffeine

Sugar Content

Studies have shown that sugar consumption improves athletic performance and enhances concentration. 

But although sugar may give you an energy boost right from the get-go, you’ll probably find yourself even more unfocused and easily distracted after an hour or so.

In fact, consuming too much sugar might actually cause memory issues and other problems.

So, in my opinion, I think it’s better for you to pick sugar-free energy drinks.

Fortunately, there are plenty of good sugar-free options out there on the market to choose from.

Beware of too much sugar!


When looking at energy drink prices, you’ll want to look out for a brand that’s reasonably priced yet doesn’t compromise on taste and nutrition.

There are some really great energy drinks out there, but they might be too expensive and not really worth the money you’ll need to spend on them.

On the other hand, there are those which are cheap but have an extremely bitter taste or leave you with a bad aftertaste.

There are some little-known gems though – brands that are both affordable and also very high quality. That’s the dream, right?

Needless to say, of course, you’ll need to factor in your personal budget constraints too, if any.

When’s The Best Time For An Energy Drink?

Studies about the effects of caffeine on the human body have shown that the best time for an energy drink is between mid-morning and mid-afternoon.

This is a really good question and one that I felt was extremely important to include in this post. 

This is because having your energy drink at the wrong time of the day may actually be worse for your alertness than not having one at all.

This is because it’s likely you may experience an energy slump around that time of the day. Hence, drinking an energy drink at these times will certainly help you. 

But, you have to consider your own personal circumstances. The maximum effect of drinking an energy drink is experienced around 45 minutes after you’ve drunk it. This is about how long it takes for all of the caffeine to be absorbed into your bloodstream.

So, if the above guidance of “around lunchtime” doesn’t work for you in your exact situation, consider having an energy drink around 30 minutes before you want to feel more alert.

By the way, I really wouldn’t recommend having energy drinks at night, unless you need to stay up to study or you’re working a night shift.

You can find out which energy drinks won’t give you a sugar crash in this other article that I wrote.

Best Energy Drinks for Alertness

XS Energy Drink

XS energy drink has a relatively short list of ingredients that are mostly good for you:

  • 10 calories
  • 80mg of caffeine
  • 35mg of sodium
  • 35mg of potassium
  • 100% of the recommended daily value (DV) of vitamin B3
  • 300% of the DV of vitamin B6
  • 100% of the DV of vitamin B5
  • 4900% of the DV of vitamin B12 (why so much??)

The drink also has trace amounts of:

  • Taurine
  • L-Glutamine
  • Citric acid
  • Natural flavors
  • Acesulfame potassium (sweetener)
  • Potassium sorbet (preservative)
  • Salt
  • Sucralose (sweetener)
  • Calcium d-Pantothenate
  • Niacinamide
  • Herbal blend
  • Purple carrot extract (for color)
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride
  • Riboflavin (for color)
  • Cyanocobalamin


XS energy drink is a good choice for boosting your alertness. I think it has an ideal amount of caffeine in each can.

XS has only 80mg of caffeine per can, much less than some of the leading brands that you might be familiar with.

The amount of caffeine that you’re getting here should be sufficient to keep you alert while avoiding the consequences of a caffeine overdose. 

In fact, you could actually drink up to five cans of XS before you would reach the FDA’s recommended daily caffeine limit of 400mg.


Here’s some great news: XS is completely sugar-free.

So, in addition to having a reasonable amount of caffeine, you’ll also avoid experiencing a sugar crash.

XS relies on sugar substitutes, acesulfame potassium (also known as Ace-K), and sucralose to sweeten its flavour.


Here’s the bad news, XS energy drink is expensive. It costs between $3 and $5 per can, depending on where you buy it. 

But on the bright side, you’re getting an ideal dose of caffeine and you get to enjoy an energy boost without having to worry about your sugar consumption. 

If you can afford it, grab a can of XS since it tastes great and may help you maintain the level of alertness you need to get your task list done and dusted.


Zipfizz is a great energy drink option because it’s a pretty nifty size that’s convenient for carrying around.

To make this energy drink, you just need to pour the Zipfizz powder into any cup or bottle containing water, juice, or any beverage of your choice. 

In terms of ingredients, Zipfizz contains:

  • 20 calories
  • 2g of carbohydrates
  • 100mg of caffeine 
  • 500mg of vitamin C
  • 15 IU of vitamin E
  • 2150 IU of vitamin A
  • 500mg of vitamin C
  • 0.75mg of thiamine
  • 0.85mg of riboflavin
  • 10mg of niacin
  • 1mg of vitamin B6
  • 200mcg of folate
  • 2500mg of vitamin B12 (that’s actually ridiculous, and not in a good way)
  • 5mg of pantothenic acid
  • 60mg of calcium
  • 100mg of magnesium
  • 7.5mg of zinc
  • 35mcg of selenium
  • 0.25mg of copper
  • 950mg of potassium
  • 75mg of sodium
  • 60mcg of chromium
  • 1mg of manganese
  • Grape seed extract
  • Green tea extract 
  • Guarana


Zipfizz has 100mg of caffeine in each serving. 

Personally, my preference is to have between 50mg to 100mg of caffeine in each energy drink serving I have. Zipfizz falls nicely into this range, so absolutely no complaints from me. 


Similar to XS, Zipfizz is also sugar-free so it’s perfect for you if you want to enjoy the perks of an energy drink and avoid a sugar crash afterwards.

Zipfizz gets its sweet taste from the artificial sweetener, sucralose.


Zipfizz costs around $2.25 per serving (sold in tubes), certainly cheaper than XS. I personally feel that it’s worth the money, even if it’s not the best value option on this list.


Celsius’ caffeine content is on the higher side, and it is sold in both powder as well as ready-to-drink cans. This time around, let’s just talk about the canned version.

In terms of ingredients, Celsius contains:

  • 10 calories per can
  • 200mg of caffeine
  • 60mg of vitamin C
  • 1.7mg of riboflavin
  • 20mg of niacinamide
  • 2mg of pyridoxine hydrochloride
  • 6mcg of cyanocobalamin
  • 300mcg of Biotin
  • 10mg of D-pantothenate 
  • 50mcg of chromium
  • 1.81g of Metaplus Proprietary Blend (see below)
  • Carbonated filtered water
  • Citric acid
  • Fruit and vegetable juice
  • Sucralose
  • Natural flavor

The Celsius Metaplus proprietary blend (1.81g in total) contains:

  • 200mg of caffeine
  • Taurine 
  • Guarana extract 
  • Glucuronolactone
  • Ginger extract 
  • Green tea leaf extract (“standardized” to 15% EGCG)

The quantities of taurine, guarana extract, glucuronolactone and ginger extract are not specified in the product information provided.


With 200mg of caffeine, Celsius is definitely the energy drink with the highest amount of caffeine on this list.

I really wouldn’t recommend drinking too much Celsius because it may have an adverse effect on you.

If you have a fairly high tolerance to caffeine, Celsius might be the drink for you. However, I think it has a bit too much caffeine in it to be really beneficial for alertness.


Like the other brands on this list, Celsius is also sugar-free.

So you can definitely avoid a sugar crash here while getting a solid caffeine fix. 

Celsius also depends on the non-nutritive sweetener, sucralose to flavour its drinks. In some varieties, you might also see erythritol and stevia leaf extract being used too.


Celsius has a pretty reasonable price. It costs around $2.25 for a 12 fl. oz can which isn’t bad, I think. 

One way of looking at it is that you’re paying the same price that you would have spent for Zipfizz, but you’re getting more caffeine in your drink with Celsius. 

Unlike Zipfizz, you don’t have to worry about mixing your drink because you can just drink it straight from the can. That might be better in some situations, but not as convenient in others.

REIZE (10 out of 10)

Give REIZE a try!

I recommend that you try REIZE to improve your alertness.

Not only is it tasty, but it also has a great blend of ingredients (ginseng, taurine and B vitamins). It’s also great value for money. 


REIZE ranks the lowest in terms of its caffeine content in comparison to the other energy drinks I’ve recommended for alertness in this post. 

With a smart 50mg of caffeine in each 4g sachet, this powdered energy drink will certainly ensure that you remain alert, but with minimal risk to your health from too much caffeine.

What’s great about having each sachet contain such a low caffeine content is that you can have the flexibility of enjoying a lighter drink on some days, or you can also mix a stronger drink for yourself at other times by simply adding more than one sachet to your beverage. 


REIZE is sugar-free.

This is great news for anyone watching their weight, waistline, or counting calories. It’s also a great choice because you won’t suffer any sugar crashes after you drink one.


In terms of price, REIZE is the most affordable and best-value option out of the brands I’ve listed here as it costs only around $1 per drink, including shipping.

Now that’s a really incredible value for money. 

REIZE has a really smart blend of taurine, ginseng, and B group vitamins that all work together with the caffeine to provide the perfect energy boost, with no crash.

Give REIZE a try today and see for yourself how good it really is for staying alert.

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