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Itchy? The Connection Between Energy Drinks and Itching

Itchy? The Connection Between Energy Drinks and Itching

Energy drinks are intended to provide individuals with a significant boost in energy levels. Athletes may believe it improves their performance, and students frequently use it to pull all-nighters before a big test.

However, the side effects of popular Energy Drinks such as Rock Star, Full Throttle, Red Bull, and Monster energy drinks may outweigh the benefits of these beverages.

They may cause side effects of itch, if not used responsibly or as directed. There is no safe amount of energy drinks for some people, particularly children.

If a person is allergic to caffeine, itching and rash symptoms may appear within an hour of consuming caffeine. B-Vitamin and taurine supplementation may also cause itching in people with sensitive skin.

Continue reading for more information on the side effects of energy drinks on human health.

What Is An Itch?

An itch can cause a burning sensation, a slightly electrical or periodic nonpainful sensation, or the sensation that something is crawling along the skin.

Itching is caused by a complicated interaction between skin cells and our nervous system.

Chemicals released in the skin send a message to the spine via skin nerves, and the spine communicates with the brain, causing us to become itchy.

Causes of an itch can be:

  1. Surgeries
  2. Medical Conditions
  3. Food Allergies
  4. Medical History
  5. Medicines
  6. Weather Changes
  7. Occupational or Recreational Habits
  8. Unsuited Skin Care Products
Causes of an Itch.

Ingredients In An Energy Drink

Caffeine, vitamins, and herbs are common ingredients in energy drinks. They claim to provide you with more energy and make you feel more alert.

Let’s see if any of these ingredients in an energy drink cause you to scratch.


Meat is an excellent source of B-Vitamins.

B-Vitamins aid in the process by which your body obtains or creates energy from the food you eat. They also aid in the formation of red blood cells. B vitamins are found in proteins such as fish, poultry, meat, eggs, and dairy products.

A skin rash is a common side effect of vitamin B overdose. The skin may appear flushed, and welts may appear throughout the body.

There may be a complaint of an itchy sensation all over the body. The severity of the skin rash is determined by the amount of vitamin B complex consumed.

Niacin especially is frequently added because it aids our bodies in converting food into energy. Too much niacin, on the other hand, can cause burning, tingling, itching, and redness in the face, arms, and chest.


Taurine is a free amino acid that is abundant in mammalian tissue. It has been used as a main ingredient in the food industry for various health-functional foods.

Taurine is an anti-inflammatory that helps to prevent tissue damage during inflammation. Taurine also acts as an antioxidant in the body, lowering oxidative stress.

People have experienced itching from repeated taurine-containing energy drinks. According to research, individuals responded positively to synthetic taurine but not to natural taurine. The synthetic taurine skin prick test and basophil activation test were both negative.

According to a case study, an individual with known sulfite and sulfonamide allergies develops hypersensitivity to taurine above a threshold level, causing itching.


Sugar is consumed on an everyday basis.

Many energy drinks are sold in large cans with a lot of sugar added. The Canadian Food Guide recommends limiting sugary foods and beverages.

The AHA recommends a stricter added-sugar limit of no more than 24 grams and 36 grams of sugar for women and men, respectively.

One cause of itchy skin is chronically elevated blood sugar levels. Itchy skin can be caused by diabetes complications such as nerve damage or kidney disease in some cases.

Diabetes patients should not ignore itchy skin. Dry, irritated, or itchy skin is more prone to infection, and people with diabetes may not be able to fight infections as effectively as those who do not have the condition.

Other side effects of high sugar consumption are:

  1. Acne
  2. Cancer
  3. Type 2 Diabetes
  4. Heart Problems
  5. Obesity
  6. Trouble Breathing
  7. Hormonal Imbalance

Citric Acid

Citrus fruits, particularly lemons and limes, contain naturally occurring citric acid. It is responsible for their tart, sour flavor. Most energy drinks contain it as a primary ingredient.

Most citrus allergy sufferers experience itch symptoms after consuming food or a drink containing raw citrus fruit or citric acid inclusion.

The symptoms are frequently localized, which means you feel them exactly where the raw fruit touched your skin. Intense tingling and itching of the lips, tongue, and throat are among the symptoms.

A citrus allergy can, in rare cases, cause a systemic allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency that can be fatal. It’s requisite to consult a doctor immediately when you get anaphylaxis.


Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid, which means it can be synthesized from other amino acids and does not require dietary supplementation.

Histidine levels in your muscles are normally high and beta-alanine levels are low, limiting carnosine production. Beta-alanine supplementation has been shown to increase carnosine levels in muscles by 80%.

It binds to and activates specific receptors in skin neurons. The sensations of burning, itching, and tingling are caused by the activation of these neurons.

Beta-Alanine and an itch.

Can Caffeine Cause An Itch?

Yes, caffeine can cause an itch, especially if it is consumed excessively.

The FDA has cited 400mg per day for healthy adults—roughly four or five cups of coffee—as an amount not generally associated with dangerous, negative effects.

Caffeine causes the body to produce an antibody known as immunoglobin E.

The antibody causes their cells to release histamine in an attempt to flush out molecules that it has misidentified as harmful.

These molecules are known as allergens. As a result, inflammation occurs, which can cause hives, itching, and swelling.

An excessive dose of caffeine can cause:

  1. Rapid heartbeat
  2. Anxiety
  3. Jitteriness
  4. Headaches
  5. Trouble sleeping
  6. Upset stomach

Treatments For An Itch

Moisturizing your body daily can prevent an itch or rash.

The treatment of itchy skin focuses on removing the source of the itch. If home remedies do not relieve itchy skin, your doctor may prescribe medication or other treatments.

Among the treatments are:

  1. Corticosteroid creams and ointments
  2. Oral medicines
  3. Light therapy

Dermatologists recommend the following remedies to relieve itchy skin:

  1. Applying a cold cloth to the itch
  2. Oatmeal bath
  3. Moisturizing
  4. Applying cooling agents like menthol or calamine

Avoid scratching your skin while treating it, as this will aggravate it and increase your chances of getting a skin infection. It’s also a good idea to do the aforementioned steps daily to help prevent itching.

Can Energy Drinks Make You Itchy?

Yes. energy drinks can make you itchy.

They contain active ingredients like caffeine, taurine, b-vitamins, amino acids, and sugar which are responsible for an itch if consumed excessively.

The presence of niacin, which is a B vitamin is of serious concern since it has been shown to cause severe itch.

Dr. Hinton explained that niacin is a water-soluble B vitamin (B3) that is required for energy metabolism, and higher doses of niacin have been used to treat high cholesterol. However, at higher doses, it can cause skin flushing, tingling, and itching.

Famous Energy Drinks

Redline Xtreme

Redline Xtreme
Redline Xtreme provides an extreme boost of energy.

Redline Xtreme energy drinks can provide a significant energy boost. This VPX beverage comes in 8-ounce bottles and contains 316mg of caffeine.

It is high in caffeine but low in carbohydrates, calories, and sugar.This makes it suitable for people on restricted diets.

It also contains vitamins and minerals, which will make your workout more enjoyable.


REIZE has low caffeine content.

REIZE contains a potent blend of taurine, ginseng, and B vitamins. They all work together to provide you with the perfect energy boost without the negative side effects of too much caffeine. It also contains no sugar and only 11 calories per serving. So you’ll be sure to never have an itch ever again!

As previously stated, the 316mg caffeine content of Redline is simply too much for me and may cause negative side effects. You won’t have to worry about that if you use REIZE!


  • Energy drinks contain a diverse range of ingredients, they may be more likely to produce negative and even fatal side effects than beverages containing only caffeine.
  • Energy drinks that contain sugar, caffeine, amino acids, citric acid, taurine, and b-vitamins are all common ingredients. Any high dose can cause you to scratch your body like a lunatic.
  • Energy drinks should be avoided by children, adolescents, and pregnant or breastfeeding women. If you choose to consume energy drinks, make sure they are low in harmful ingredients such as caffeine, taurine, and sugar.

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