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Jocko Go Energy Drink: Decoding Caffeine and Ingredients

Jocko Go Energy Drink: Decoding Caffeine and Ingredients

The great beverage Jocko Go Energy Drink takes pride in providing clean energy without chemicals.

It is a component of the Jocko Fuel product range and is produced by Jocko Willink’s firm Origin in Maine. It takes pleasure in employing premium ingredients.

With Jocko Go, you can power your day with healthy products. Go is created in the USA, but uses both domestic and foreign ingredients.

A regular can of Jocko Go includes 95mg of caffeine, which is equivalent to one cup of coffee. It is made with naturally produced caffeine.

It doesn’t contain artificial sweeteners or colors, and all tastes are suitable for Keto dieters. It also includes b vitamins, electrolytes, amino acids, alpha gpc, theobromine, and l-theanine.

Let’s dive into this article to know more about the specific nature of the ingredients present in Jocko Go, alongside their role in the human body.

Ingredients In Jocko Go Energy

You may get healthy products from Jocko Fuel to help you through the day. Despite being made in the USA, Go contains both domestic and international ingredients.

It is advantageous since, unlike with some other commercial beverages, you won’t have to worry about crashing or being wired.

The following ingredients are found in Jokco Go:

  • Caffeine
  • Acetyl L-Carnitine
  • Alpha-GPC
  • Theobromine
  • L-Theanine
  • Bacopa Monnieri
  • Filtered Carbonated Water
  • Citric Acid
  • Monk Fruit Extract
  • Natural Flavour

Alpha GPC

In the brain, alpha-GPC seems to enhance acetylcholine levels. This chemical in the brain is essential for memory and learning.

It is, therefore, asserted that it improves mental sharpness, concentration, and vigor.

Because it is known to increase levels of choline and acetylcholine, some people believe it may be utilized to treat cognitive disorders like Alzheimer’s disease.

Among the potential risks are:

  • Stroke
  • Headaches
  • Skin Rash
  • Confusion
  • Insomnia


Acetyl-L-carnitine is created in the body from L-carnitine. L-carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine are used by the body to turn fat into energy.

According to some, it is important for many body processes and helpful in the fight against Alzheimer’s. It is also used to improve cognition and memory, as well as to minimize exercise-related weariness.

It also functions for:

  • Improving memory
  • Treating depression
  • Preventing nerve pain


L-theanine is an amino acid that can lower heart rate, and blood pressure, and elevate alpha brain waves, which are associated with a “zen state.”

When combined, these substances may prime the neural system, bringing mental equilibrium and heightened athletic focus.

Additionally, it has been linked to enhancing the anti-tumor effects of some chemotherapy medications. These encouraging results have led experts to believe that L-theanine may also help chemotherapy work more effectively against cancer.

Despite the fact that L-theanine supplements have not been associated with any negative side effects, drinking a lot of green tea can cause the following:

  • Nausea
  • Upset Stomach
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability

Monk Fruit Extract

Monk Fruit
Monk Fruit treats a various range of illnesses/diseases.

There has been monk fruit sweetener for many years. It is organic, calorie-free, and 100–250 times sweeter than sugar. It may also possess antioxidant qualities.

Traditional Chinese medicine has long employed this fruit, but it wasn’t until 2010 that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized its use as a sweetener.

The fruit’s seeds and peel are removed, and the juice is collected by crushing the fruit. The juice is then dried to make a concentrated powder, which is how the sweetener is made.

It has been asserted to help people lose weight. Research on animals and in test tubes indicates that monk fruit extract slows the growth of cancer cells. The mechanisms are still unknown.

The primary ingredient in monk fruit sweetener is a particular form of mogroside known as mogroside V. According to studies, mogrosides have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities.

An inside into what Monk Fruit is.


Plants produce the molecule theobromine. It is well known for being one of the several naturally occurring compounds present in chocolate and sometimes in tea and energy drinks.

Theobromine may protect the heart in a number of ways, according to research. It naturally decreases blood pressure as a start. As a result, the risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced.

Given that it shares many structural similarities with caffeine, the fact that theobromine is a well-known stimulant may not come as a surprise.

This suggests that using theobromine may give users an energy boost both physically and mentally.

Nutritional Content Of Jocko Energy

Maintaining a healthy body is a result of having a nutrient-rich diet.

A pick-me-up and energy boost while maintaining your attention on your activities are the goals of the energy drink Jocko GO.

This is anticipated to help you finish your specific objective, whether it be work, exercise, a test, etc. According to the product, it serves as a nootropic to improve focus.

Let’s talk about the product’s contents.

NutrientsAmount (1 Can)
Total Carbohydrates1g
Total Sugar0
Vitamin B60.5g
Vitamin B12100mcg
Nutrients and their amount present in Jocko Go


B-Vitamins are a fantastic addition to any energy beverage, and happily, they are also in Jocko Go.

I’ve put the B-Vitamins found in Jocko Go in the table below for your convenience, but if you’re interested in learning more, you can check out this source.

TypePurposeRecommended Intake Level
Vitamin B6energy storage from protein and carbs1.3mg
Vitamin B12release energy from food2.4mcg
Types of B Vitamins in Jocko Go and their functions


Are you craving dessert right now?

There is no sugar in Jocko Go.

According to the NHS, adults should limit their daily sugar intake to 30 grams. Due to its high sugar level, Jocko Go is not a good choice for those looking for diet-friendly, sugar-free energy drinks.

Excessive sugar consumption may have detrimental effects on health, including:

  • obesity
  • skin problems
  • heart problems
  • risk of type 2 diabetes
  • acne

Caffeine In Jocko Go Energy

Caffeine is sourced from coffee beans

This energy drink contains a very low 95mg of caffeine per 16-ounce serving.

Jocko Go, however, might not be the ideal option for you if you are sensitive to caffeine because it might really do more harm than good.

Even so, it will offer you a tremendous boost if you have a quick metabolism and are accustomed to caffeine.

Regardless of how your body processes caffeine, you should avoid consuming too many cans of Jocko Go or any other caffeinated beverage in a day.

For the sake of your health, the FDA advises you to keep your daily caffeine intake to 400 mg or less.

Benefits of Jocko Go Energy

A variety of Jocko Go’s ingredients are praised for their possible health benefits, although caffeine poses a threat. Jocko Go contains a low to moderate quantity, which helps with:

  • better memory
  • improved focus
  • heightened physical performance 
  • increased energy

Improved attention and mental clarity are two of the key advantages, thanks to substances like theanine and caffeine combined with alpha-GPC.

A can or two of Jocko Go a day won’t hurt you, but because the daily limit for caffeine intake is 400mg, going above 2 cans could be dangerous.

Flavors of Jocko Go

Jocko Go has a variety of flavors based on profiles. Its Pre Mission flavor profile contains:

  • Whoop Assault
  • Mango Mayhem
  • AfterBurner Orange
Jocko Go FlavoursTaste
Whoop AssaultIt has a flavor that is comparable to the watermelon drink that Trader Joe’s sells in the summer, but this one adds monk fruit extract as a light sweetener. It gives the beverage a stronger flavor, which kicks you a little bit in the face while still being delightful and cooling.
Mango Mayhem
Mild mango flavor with a healthy dose of monk fruit sweetness. Although I usually find mango to be a very strong flavor, this did not overwhelm my palate.
AfterBurner OrangeThis reminded me of the warm summer days I spent at a day camp as a child when I would get those bright smiles from an ice-cold Sunkist orange drink.
Flavor Reviews

Alternatives To Jocko Go Energy


XS has low caffeine content.

XS may be an excellent choice for you if you work the night shift or are a student and require an immediate surge of energy.

The XS energy drink is a carbonated energy beverage with 10 calories, no sugar, 80mg of caffeine, and a variety of other chemicals. It also claims to provide you with a great energy boost without any additional sugar.

Bai Boost

Bai Boost
Bai Boost is made up of organic ingredients.

Natural flavors, citric acid, coffee and tea extracts, erythritol, and natural flavors are the main ingredients in a single can of Bai Boost, which has 110mg of caffeine.

It contains 10 calories, 1g of sugar, vitamin C, and loads of electrolytes keep you refreshed and energized throughout.

REIZE (Personal Favorite)

Reize Energy
Reize Energy

REIZE contains 50mg of caffeine, 11 calories, and no added sugar.

Caffeine, taurine, ginseng, and B vitamins work together to provide a great energy boost with no crashes or jitters.

REIZE comes in 4g sachets that are premix. The portability of this beverage is a big plus for me! All you need is a glass of water or any of your favorite beverages to make the mix.

Also, it ships directly to your door for less than $1 for each drink. That’s fantastic value for money!

Try REIZE now!

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