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Is 5 Active Energy Bad For You? (Explained)

Is 5 Active Energy Bad For You? (Explained)

Short Answer: 5 Active Energy is not bad for you if consumed in moderation.

A well-known energy drink called 5 Active Energy, which you may have tasted, makes claims that sound unreal.

With the same amount of caffeine as one cup of coffee, it promises to offer us immediate energy that lasts for 5 hours without causing a sugar crash.

It has just 24 calories, no sugar, and 240 mg of caffeine. Since caffeine is the principal component of all energy drinks, even large doses aren’t as harmful as those with high sugar content.

Generally, 5 Active Energy is not bad at all as long as it’s consumed in moderation.

Let’s find out why in this article!

5 Active Energy Drink Ingredients

The list of ingredients present in 5 Active Energy is as follows:

  • Carbonated Water
  • Vegetable Glycerine
  • Citric Acid
  • Nitrosigine
  • Natural Flavor
  • Caffeine Anhydrous
  • Sodium Benzoate
  • Potassium Sorbate
  • Organic Green Coffee Bean Extract
  • Sucralose
  • Acesulfame-K
  • Green Tea Extract
  • Turmeric Extract
  • Tart Cherry
  • Blueberry
  • Broccoli
  • Kale

Energy Blend

5 Active contains what the firm refers to as an “energy blend,” which is a combination of several metabolic byproducts and amino acids like phenylalanine, tyrosine, and citicoline.

Amino acids have been studied for their potential to improve human energy.

There is minimal evidence that taking these chemicals will improve alertness or cognitive function unless a person has a significant deficiency.

Organic Green Coffee Bean Extract

Chlorogenic acid and other active components are present in higher concentrations in green coffee bean extract.

Chlorogenic acids have been proven in numerous studies to be potent antioxidants and are renowned for their capacity to fend off free radicals and support good health.

Green coffee bean extract’s active components may lower insulin levels to enhance metabolic performance, according to evidence from many research.

Lowering the absorption of fat and glucose in the intestines may also aid in weight loss.

What is a green coffee bean?

Green Tea Extract

The concentrated active ingredients of green tea are easily accessible through green tea extract.

Numerous bioactive substances included in green tea extracts, such as polyphenols and catechins, are known for their numerous health-promoting qualities.

These substances have been shown to improve general wellness and aid in oxidative stress protection.

It’s promoted for weight loss, lowering your risk of heart disease, supporting a healthy immune system, and most of all boosting energy levels.

Turmeric Extract

Turmeric is used for multiple purposes.

The usage of the turmeric plant for medical purposes dates back over 4000 years. Turmeric, which is a vivid yellow colour, is also referred to as “Indian saffron.”

It has considerable religious significance and was used as a spice in Indian cuisine. It has been used as food, a cosmetic, and a medication.

Turmeric has long been used in South Africa to tint boiling white rice a golden hue. Additionally, turmeric is used in processed foods like ice cream, dairy products, baked goods, and canned beverages.

It is also used as a herbal remedy for liver problems, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic anterior uveitis, conjunctivitis, skin cancer, chicken pox, smallpox, and wound healing.

Caffeine Content Of 5 Active Energy

The 5 Active Energy drink contains 240 mg of caffeine per serving.

The FDA recommends 400 mg per day of caffeine consumption for healthy adults. That said, the caffeine in 5 Active Energy can be quite high especially when consumed in one sitting.

When caffeine is overconsumed, the following symptoms occur:

  • restlessness
  • shakiness
  • insomnia
  • headaches
  • dizziness
  • fast heart rate
  • dehydration
  • anxiety
  • dependency

Therefore, go easy on caffeine and practice moderation when consuming 5 Active Energy and any energy drink.

5 Active Energy Drink Nutrition Facts

Nutrition Facts of 5 Active
5 Active Energy Nutrition Facts

Check this table for a better view of the nutrition facts of 5 Active Energy.

NutrientsValues Per Serving
Protein0 g
Total Fat0 g
Saturated Fat0 g
Total Carbohydrates5 g
Sugar0 g
Vegetable Glycerine5 g
Inositol-Stabilized Arginine Silicate500 mg
Green Coffee Bean Extract, Green Tea Extract, Turmeric Extract, Tart Cherry, Blueberry, Broccoli, and Kale50 mg
Caffeine240 mg
Nutrients present in 5 Active


The 24 calories in a serving of 5 Active energy drinks are insufficient to increase your risk of weight gain or obesity.

The amount of energy you have is also greatly influenced by calories; as a result, the more calories you consume, the more energy you will have.

If you’re calorie conscious and like low-calorie drinks, being active is your jam.

For reference, the NHS proposes the following calorie intake:

  • 2000 calories a day for women
  • 2500 calories a day for men

Generally, the amount of calories you’ll need depends on certain factors like sex, age, level of activity, weight, and overall health.

B Vitamins

Eggs are an excellent source of B vitamins.

B vitamins are present in green vegetables, whole or fortified cereals, dairy products, and meats. It supports healthy metabolism and also lowers the risk of stroke.

B vitamins also aid in your body’s metabolism and general cell and tissue growth. They play a role in your body’s overall enzyme functioning as well.

5 Active contains vitamins B3, B6, and B12, which have the following functions:

B VitaminsFunction
Vitamin B3It is necessary for the metabolism of proteins and lipids as well as the conversion of carbs into glucose.
Vitamin B6It is essential for maintaining healthy immunological and neural systems as well as for optimal brain development.
Vitamin B12It is important for the development of red blood cells, neuron function, and DNA synthesis.
B vitamins are present in 5 Active.

Is 5 Active Sugar-Free Energy Drink?

5 Active Energy Drink is sugar-free.

Because there is no sugar in 5 Active, diabetics can choose the beverage with ease.

Sucralose, often known as Splenda, is used to sweeten the beverage and give it a sweet taste.

You might not have noticed that before because this ingredient is hidden in the ingredient list.

To maintain a healthy blood sugar level, the AHA advises women to consume no more than 24 g (or approximately 6 teaspoons) of sugar daily and men to consume 36 g (or about 9 teaspoons).

However, taking more than that on a regular basis can have negative side effects, some of which include:

  • high blood pressure
  • inflammation
  • weight gain
  • high risk of type 2 diabetes
  • fatty liver disease
  • increased risk for stroke

Is 5 Active Energy Bad For You?

5 Active Energy is not bad for you if you stick to one can a day once in a while.

This is not designed to be consumed regularly due to its strong caffeine content.

If you consume 5 Active Energy on a regular basis, you’re risking developing serious health conditions.

Also, this beverage isn’t good for women who are pregnant or nursing, children, and anyone living with caffeine sensitivities.

Always tread lightly when consuming caffeinated drinks to avoid their nasty side effects.

Still, 5 Active Energy is an excellent energy drink and it does its purpose of providing you with the energy you need throughout the day.

Alternatives To 5 Active Energy Drinks


Oxyshred contains low calories.

The more recent and inventive Oxyshred Energy Drink was introduced and granted a license by EHP.

They want to dispel the stereotype that energy drinks are bad for you and shouldn’t be consumed on a daily basis.

They achieve this by combining 113 mg of caffeine with other essential alkaloids, B vitamins, and a variety of minerals to create a special and pure blend.

More importantly, it has no added sugar and only 2 calories per serving, which may tempt you to consume four or five cans at once.

Jocko Go

Jocko Go is sugar-free and low in calories.

I initially thought of Jocko Go as a distinctive and nutritious energy drink.

It is an energy beverage that has an inadequate amount of caffeine, is keto-friendly and is sugar-free. L-theanine, theobromine, and vitamin B6 are also included in appropriate amounts.

Additionally, Jocko Go is a relatively new energy drink company, but let me tell you that it has fared better than energy drinks with far higher sugar content like Monster and Red Bull.

REIZE (10 out of 10)

REIZE is the lowest caffeinated drink in the market.

REIZE contains 50 mg of caffeine, 1000 mg of taurine, and 11 calories.

These components work together to provide you with steady energy without jitters.

REIZE is sugar-free and won’t expose you to a number of harmful side effects like headaches and jitters which you’ll probably have when you drink 5 Active Energy.

Also, this is one of the most versatile energy mixes in the market. You can mix it with any beverage of your choice – water, soda, tea, or coffee!

REIZE can be delivered to your doorstep for as low as $1 per drink.



5 Active Energy is a good choice for anyone who needs a stronger caffeine kick to fuel their workout. A serving of 5 Active Energy contains 240mg of caffeine, B vitamins, and other energy-boosting properties.

This beverage is not bad for you if consumed in moderation. Also, it’s best not to have 5 Active Energy regularly to avoid any adverse effects associated with it.

If you’re looking for an alternative, I strongly recommend REIZE Energy!

Other Notable Mention

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