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Energy Drinks: Finding the Limit for Your Safety

Energy Drinks: Finding the Limit for Your Safety

While not all energy drinks are created the same way, it’s impossible to say for sure how many cans are too many. All I can tell you is that as long as you don’t exceed the recommended daily amount of caffeine, you’re perfectly all right.

The global energy drinks industry is valued at 134 billion dollars, roughly 14 billion of which is from the US. If you think that’s a lot, it is still expected to grow by 12.6% next year. However, despite its success and numerous advantages, overindulgence in energy drinks is harmful.

Caffeine, which is the main ingredient in most energy drinks, has a variety of effects that are both good and bad. You can actually have too much caffeine, but the question is how much is too much caffeine?

In addition, energy drinks also contain ingredients like sugar and calories which you have to take note of since excessive consumption of these can also have adverse effects on your health.

It can be a bit confusing to narrow down exactly how many energy drinks you can have in a day since each brand has a different blend of various ingredients. But in this article, I will delve into what are the appropriate limits and why!

Let’s get started.

What are the Side Effects of Energy Drinks?

It is easy to turn to energy drinks when you’re running low on energy. However, you should be aware that energy drinks have the potential to cause harmful side effects especially if taken irresponsibly.

When consumed in moderation, energy drinks are safe. It can give you the boost in energy you need, to help you be more productive for the day.

Among the many benefits of caffeine are the following: 

  • Increased level of attentiveness
  • Speeds up response time
  • Memory recall and retention are improved
  • Increased amounts of energy

However, if you drink it in large quantities, you will most likely suffer the following symptoms:

  • Sugar crashes
  • Caffeine withdrawal
  • Caffeine overdose
  • Dehydration
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Is it Bad to Drink 3 Energy Drinks?

It’s not a good idea to consume three energy drinks successively in a single day for the simple reason that the caffeine in energy drinks may cause you to end up in the hospital.

Most healthy individuals may safely consume up to 400 milligrams of this stimulant each day, but this isn’t always the case. You should still observe your body’s reaction to caffeine,

Good thing there are energy drinks in the market today that contain a very low amount of caffeine. Trying them out will lessen the risk of you exceeding your daily caffeine limit.

It’s still not something I highly encourage though since certain energy drinks contain sugar, and drinking 3 at once will not just double but triple your sugar intake resulting in sugar crashes.

Caffeine addiction, high blood pressure, anxiety, and digestive problems may all result from exceeding the prescribed quantity of caffeine in a day.

How Many Energy Drinks until You Overdose?

There really isn’t a definite figure that can tell how many energy drinks you can consume till you overdose. However, you should be alarmed if you’re nearing the 400 mg caffeine limit.

Indeed, it is very possible to overdose on energy drinks since they often contain more caffeine than a cup of coffee. Not to mention, energy drinks have a lot of added sugar, making them addictive and very easy to go overboard.

If you drink energy drinks regularly, you’ve probably noticed that they no longer produce the same energy boost you usually get. This is because your system has become accustomed to the effects of caffeine over time.

You’ll inevitably find yourself downing a few cans of energy drinks every day, and if things go out of hand, that might pose problems. So, starting today, make an effort to limit your intake to no more than one or two energy drinks each day at the very most!

Coffee beans spilling from cup.
Be mindful of the effects of caffeine. It is important to use them moderately and not go overboard.

What Happens if you Drink 3 Energy Drinks in a Day?

Caffeine has a wide range of effects on our bodies. While nothing serious may happen with you spot on after gulping 3 cans of low-caffeinated energy drinks, you may get crashes after that.

Experts found out that most healthy individuals may safely take up to 400 milligrams of caffeine a day, but gulping down many energy drinks every single day might raise their risk for several adverse effects, as discussed in the sections above.

If you’re consuming coffee together with energy drinks, your heart begins pumping blood more quickly, which raises your blood pressure within a few minutes after taking it. This may lead to various life-threatening conditions such as heart attacks and strokes in the long run.

Nevertheless, it’s important to note that these are very extreme circumstances. As always, moderation is the key to avoiding these harmful effects. Still, a modest quantity of caffeine may be beneficial to your health in many circumstances.

For a closer look at what energy drinks does to your body when taken in excess, check this video out.

How Many Energy Drinks is Too Many?

Despite this, not all energy drinks are made equal. As a result, it’s hard to estimate the exact number. All that matters is that the recommended daily quantity of caffeine is not exceeded.

It’s a case-to-case basis. So I suggest you get used to reading the nutrition label before indulging in energy drinks. 

However, I highly advise against consuming multiple energy drinks at once with a high caffeine concentration, such as Bang. Bang has 300 mg of caffeine which is very near to the limit. 

On the other hand, REIZE contains just 50 mg, so drinking more than 3 will unlikely cause you any harm. 

In the end, the long-term consequences of consuming regular doses of highly caffeinated energy drinks may vary widely depending on the individual’s tolerance.

Low-Caffeine Energy Drinks

With that in mind, here are some low caffeine energy drinks you can try when you’re cautious of your caffeine intake.

Energy DrinksCaffeine Content
Amino100 mg
Red Bull80 mg
REIZE50 mg
Low-Caffeine Energy Drinks


Surprisingly, a 12-ounce can of Amino Energy only has 100mg of caffeine derived from natural plants. I like energy beverages with between 50 and 100 milligrams of caffeine per serving, and Amino Energy indeed makes the cut.

As a result, you get an energy boost without running the danger of suffering from caffeine overdose.

You won’t have to worry about a sugar crash, too, since it’s a sugar-free drink. In addition, Amino Energy only contains 5 calories, so it won’t significantly alter your caloric diet.

Red Bull

You’d be pleased to know that each 8.4 fl. oz. can of Red Bull has 80 milligrams of caffeine. This energy drink is at the top when it comes to energy drinks popularity and at the lower spectrum in terms of caffeine content.

Considering that the recommended daily caffeine intake is 400 milligrams, 80 milligrams of caffeine is not much. To reach a caffeine overdose from Red Bull alone, you’d have to down at least five cans, which is a lot and not very smart. 

Still, it is vital to keep track of the amount of Red Bull and other caffeinated drinks that you consume each day, as well as the amount of caffeine-containing food you consume.

REIZE (Top Pick)

Do you dread the side effects of overdosing on caffeine? Then I think you should give REIZE a go.

REIZE contains 50mg of caffeine, 11 calories, and zero sugar. That’s right, just 50 milligrams!

In addition, it comes in a convenient sachet, so you can take it with you wherever you go. Indeed, REIZE’s functionality comes from the fact that you may mix it with your favorite fruits or drinks.

Also, taurine, ginseng, and B vitamins are among the many nutrients included in REIZE. Having no worries about sugar addiction or dependency buildup, you can drink REIZE without having to worry about all this.

For only $1 a serving, REIZE energy drink can be delivered straight to your home, making it convenient and cost-effective. For your money, it’s a good investment.

So experience REIZE now, and you won’t have to worry about going over your daily limit.

Pouring a sachet of REIZE on a glass filled with ice. A pack and a sliced lemon in half can also be seen in the background.
A single sachet of REIZE can power you up for the whole day!

Other energy drinks you can try


Finally, the most effective strategy to avoid consuming excessive energy drinks is to monitor your consumption.

Although it should go without saying, the maximum quantity of caffeine you may consume is just 400 mg. This is significant enough that it needs to be mentioned again. So keep track of how much you’re consuming and ensure you don’t go over your allotted limitations.

Consider the following scenario: If you treat yourself to energy drinks today, you should refrain from drinking energy drinks for at least a couple of days to avoid the buildup of caffeine in your system.

The safest strategy to prevent these adverse effects is to consume energy drinks only when absolutely necessary.

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