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Energy drinks and running: What’s the science?

Energy drinks and running: What’s the science?

Runners and athletes are constantly on the move for training and competitions. They require an instant energizing drink that will provide them with the energy they need to perform well.

Energy drinks are popular in the running community. Some runners wouldn’t run a step without their sports drink, while others are skeptical. The presence of caffeine is the primary reason.

Caffeine has not been shown to significantly improve performance. Caffeine is also a diuretic, which means it draws water from the cells, causing the runner to become dehydrated.

Energy drinks can make you run faster if it contains caffeine, as well as electrolytes to help prevent hyponatremia.

Running in general is beneficial to one’s health because it improves cardiovascular health, reduces body fat, and improves sleep.

Let’s dig a little deeper and find some information about your question. So, let’s get started!

What Are Energy Drinks?

Energy and sports drinks are beverages that contain a stimulant, either physical or mental. Caffeine is the most commonly used stimulant; however, there are a variety of other components.

It is critical to examine the ingredients and select an energy drink that meets your running needs as well as any other needs, such as sleep.

Caffeine, taurine, glucuronolactone, B vitamins, guarana, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, l-carnitine, sugars, antioxidants, and trace minerals are the chief components of energy drinks.

There might not be enough extra caffeine in your body within a few hours to provide any measurable increase in energy. Energy drinks last a few hours, but their most potent effects only last an hour or two at most.

Drinking energy drinks should be avoided by pregnant and nursing women, children, and teenagers.

Ingredients In An Energy Drink That Help You Run Faster

Running in the morning is a great way to start the day because it is healthy, and productive, and sets you up for success throughout the day. After all, nothing beats the rush of a good run.

Energy drinks aren’t magical on their own; they contain a number of ingredients that give them the ability to provide us with energy. The following are the ingredients.


Taurine can be consumed through beef.

The presence of taurine in energy drinks contributes to your ability to run faster. It is added as a nervous system depressant, but it only stimulates the brain.

Taurine is one of the most widely used supplements for endurance and physical performance, including running.

In fact, taurine supplements are designed specifically for athletes to help them with endurance and activities like running.

According to one study, endurance training needs a higher dose of taurine (1 g five times per day) to prevent muscle damage, whereas strength training needs a lower dose of taurine (0.05 g) to increase enzymatic antioxidants and decrease muscular fatigue.


Carbohydrates are essential for humans, particularly runners. Protein provides very little fuel to runners, and it is often the primary source of energy.

Running a half marathon on a high-protein, low-fat diet will not get you very far. Long-distance energy drinks should contain anywhere from 4 to 8% carbohydrates.

This allows for adequate carbohydrate and water absorption. Look for a drink that contains both fructose and sucrose to stay hydrated and properly fueled during your run.

Carbs can also be found in bread, beans, milk, popcorn, potatoes, cookies, spaghetti, soft drinks, corn, and cherry pie. If your energy drinks lack them, try the products mentioned above.


Sugar is often considered a beloved ingredient by people who like sweets.

Drinks containing sugar or maltodextrin (a slow-release carbohydrate) and salt may help you recover faster if you’ve been jogging for more than an hour.

Sugar, like caffeine, is quickly absorbed by the body and provides energy before or during a run. However, if you consume a sugary energy drink following a run, the extra sugar is converted into fat for later use.

It is not necessary to add sugar to your diet if you are going on a short run or have not done much physical activity. You may gain weight as a result of your excessive sugar consumption.

According to the AHA, women and men should not consume more than 24 and 36 grams of added sugar, respectively. Eating added sugar provides no nutritional benefit.

If you consume too much sugar, you might experience the following symptoms:

  1. Hunger
  2. Anxiety and Discomfort
  3. Headaches
  4. Fatigue
  5. Concentration problems
  6. Sweating excessively


Your diet is the foundation of your health, and it is the foundation of your routine when it comes to performance.

Although you may not associate vitamins with physical performance, certain vitamins and minerals are essential for peak performance and can help with everything from muscle recovery to energy production.

This is due to the fact that many athletic activities cause microtears in the muscles, requiring the body to use its limited energy reserves to repair them.

Vitamins A, C, and E are antioxidants that can help reduce the oxidative damage caused by regular exercise, thereby reducing the amount of muscle damage and soreness experienced during and after workouts.

This is why many athletes turn to vitamin supplements to help them perform at their best while avoiding further injuries.

Can Caffeine Make You Run Faster?

Caffeine can make you run faster due to its energizing properties.

Caffeine enhances mood and cognition.

Caffeine is a widely used performance-enhancing component in sports. It increases energy and alertness, which improves physical performance.

It also enhances cognitive functions, such as attention and memory, by increasing the amount of energy available to your brain. Caffeine was traditionally consumed by athletes in the form of coffee, tea, soda, and other caffeinated beverages.

You’ve probably heard that caffeine can give you a boost of energy. But did you know it can also boost your stamina, allowing you to run farther and faster?

Running has numerous mental benefits, including stress reduction and mood enhancement. When it comes to running, caffeine in energy drinks can help you increase your stamina and performance.

However, excessive consumption of caffeinated energy drinks can make you sluggish if you overdo it.

The FDA has cited 400 milligrams per day—roughly four or five cups of coffee—as an amount not generally associated with the following dangerous, negative effects in healthy adults:

  1. Jitters
  2. Restlessness
  3. Inability to focus
  4. Headaches
  5. Dizziness
  6. Insomnia
Caffeine and Athletic Performance

Can Electrolytes Help You Run Faster?

Consuming electrolyte-rich drinks can help you feel better and be healthier than eating only carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, and other grains.

Dark, leafy greens like spinach, kale, and broccoli are excellent sources of minerals. They also include vegetables high in fiber and protein, such as beans and peas.

Calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, copper, and manganese are some of the most common minerals or electrolytes.

A few electrolytes, such as sodium, potassium, and calcium, perform the most important functions in our bodies, keeping us hydrated and providing us with the necessary amount of energy.

Let’s have a look at their individual function.

CalciumIt controls a variety of vital biochemical processes in the body.
PotassiumIt aids in reducing blood pressure rises caused by excessive sodium consumption.
SodiumIt aids in restoring the body’s sodium levels to the required levels.
ZincIt plays an important role in the formation of DNA, cell growth, protein synthesis, the repair of damaged tissue, and the maintenance of a healthy immune system.
MagnesiumIt is involved in hundreds of chemical reactions that occur in your body on a daily basis.
Electrolytes are commonly found in energy drinks.

When it comes to providing energy to the body or increasing endurance, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, selenium, zinc, and sodium are extremely important. They aid in the improvement of exercise performance, resulting in an increase in speed.

Can Energy Drinks Make You Run Faster?

Running helps in reducing stress.

Energy drinks can make you run faster, depending on the energy drink you’re consuming and its content.

Energy drinks provide a burst of energy while also aiding in mental focus during training sessions, marathons, or races.

Most energy drinks contain ingredients such as caffeine, taurine, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals, which can reduce fatigue and increase concertation, potentially improving athletic performance, including running.

While these claims help increase sales, I believe more research is needed to back up these claims. Having said that, an electrolyte-based sports drink will always be preferable to a Red Bull.

Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals and compounds that assist your body in performing many functions, including energy production and muscle contraction.

During a marathon or a general running exercise, your body produces sweat, which means you are constantly excreting fluids. Electrolytes help keep your body’s fluids balanced, keeping you hydrated and energized.

Energy Drinks That Can Help You Run Faster

Red Bull

Red Bull
Red Bull is high in sugar.

Caffeine, added sugar, and various B vitamins are the main energy-boosting ingredients in Red Bull, along with a few other natural and artificial ingredients.

When you drink the drink, all of these ingredients work together to give you an extra boost and an increase in stamina.

Results of the study on Red Bull concluded that such consistent and wide-ranging improvements in performance are interpreted as reflecting the effects of the combination of ingredients.


Monster contains a high content of carbs and calories.

A 16-ounce can of Monster contains 210 calories, 54g of carbohydrates, 160mg of caffeine, and 370mg of sodium.

Apart from caffeine, this energy is good for running because it contains vitamin B12 and other forms of B vitamins. It also contains sodium-based electrolytes.

Monster contains energy boosters such as l-carnitine, l-tartrate, glucuronolactone, and taurine.

Each can of Monster costs around $2, making it a good choice if you’re looking for a quick sugar rush and nothing else.


REIZE is one of the best energy beverages!

REIZE contains only 50mg of caffeine, but it provides a significant energy boost that can help you get through the day without the unpleasant side effects associated with high-caffeine beverages.

This beverage also includes taurine, ginseng, and B vitamins. REIZE is opted for since it is sugar-free and solely contains 11 calories. Hence, REIZE is appropriate for a broad span of lifestyles and dietary prerequisites.

And I appreciate how REIZE comes in handy with 4g sachets that I can take with me wherever I go. You can easily slip it into the pocket of your gym bag and enjoy a cool drink whenever you want. Try REIZE!


  • Energy drinks and caffeinated beverages can help runners run faster. Sports drinks can improve running performance by providing water, electrolytes, and carbohydrates to help with performance and recovery.
  • Caffeine is well-known for its ability to enhance and prolong workout performance. Its stimulating effect on the brain alleviates feelings of exhaustion, exertion, and pain perception.
  • Electrolyte-containing energy drinks are a must-have for runners. This is especially important for longer runs because electrolytes in energy drinks replenish carbohydrates and fluid lost through sweat and are typically easy to digest.
  • Of course, just like any caffeinated beverage, limit your caffeine intake prior to your run to avoid exceeding your daily limit.

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