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Energy Drinks Unleashed: Can They Really Make You Hyper?

Energy Drinks Unleashed: Can They Really Make You Hyper?

Short Answer: Yes, energy drinks may make you feel hyper.

Everyone can feel completely exhausted and unable to get up to complete important tasks when low on energy.

Researchers discovered that for every additional sweetened energy drink consumed, the risk of hyperactivity and inattention rose by 14%.

In this article, I’ll discuss what could be the reason why some may feel hyperactive after consuming energy drinks. Also, towards the end of this article, I’ll recommend an energy drink that is unlikely to make you hyper.

Let’s get to it!

What Is Hyperactivity?

Hyperactivity is characterised by excessive fidgeting, tapping, talking, or moving around, even in situations where it is inappropriate.

Adult hyperactivity can take the form of excessive talking or extreme agitation.

The term “hyperactive behaviour” typically refers to behaviours like being constantly active, easily distracted, impulsive, unable to focus, aggressive, and similar ones. It frequently serves as a sign of a deeper physical or mental health issue.

ADHD makes you inattentive and impulsive. It is typically detected as a child. However, some patients might get their initial diagnosis as adults.

Other causes of hyperactivity are:

  • hyperthyroidism
  • nervous system disorders
  • psychological disorders
  • use of a stimulant drug

Energy Drinks and Hyperactivity

Caffeine, sugar, and ginseng are energy drink components that can potentially trigger hyperactivity. You’ll feel more hyper than usual when you overconsume energy drinks due to these ingredients.

I’ll explain in brief below.


The human body typically produces enough taurine from cysteine and hypotaurine. It serves the body in a variety of ways, one of which is acting as a neurotransmitter in the brain.

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder’s pathogenesis has been linked to dopaminergic deficits in the striatum and prefrontal cortex (ADHD).

Although there hasn’t been much research on humans, a recent study found that high-dose taurine improves hyperactive behaviour and brain-functional signals in SHR rats.

Other benefits of taurine include:

  • help treat congestive heart disease
  • aid hardening of arteries
  • build muscle
  • improve immune system


There is no denial to the fact that sugar is loveable by almost everyone due to its excessively sweet nature.

The sugar-hyperactivity myth is based on a single study from the middle of the 1970s in which a doctor found that a child’s behaviour improved when the diet was reduced in sugar.

Since then, more than a dozen larger studies without conclusive evidence that sugar causes hyperactivity has been carried out.

Carbohydrates and refined sugars quickly enter the bloodstream. As a result, they quickly alter blood sugar levels.

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that an average woman consume no more than 25g of sugar per day and an average man no more than 36g, or else you may be exposed to the following side effects:

  • weight gain
  • type 2 diabetes
  • cardiovascular problems
  • skin problems
  • gout
  • hormonal issues
  • tooth decay


Ginseng is also known as a “man-root.” This is due to the root’s human-like shape. People have used ginseng to treat a variety of illnesses.

In a study involving 21 men and 69 women, it was discovered that ginseng was effective in treating chronic fatigue.

Another study found that ginseng helped children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) by reducing their symptoms and improving their cognitive function.

Other benefits of ginseng are:

  • antioxidant effects
  • anti-inflammatory effect
  • regulate blood levels
  • prevent cancer
  • treat erectile dysfunction

Can Caffeine Make You Hyper?

Caffeine can make you hyper.

For many of us, coffee is literally essential to starting the day. We typically get out of bed for a warm cup of coffee or an energy drink.

But if you have ADHD, you might have a different experience. Caffeine can actually exacerbate some symptoms of ADHD.

Coffee beans are exported from Brazil.

The evidence regarding caffeine’s effects on ADHD is still largely anecdotal. This stimulant may or may not cause anxiety, depending on your mental health history.

However, many parents and adults with ADHD report using light to moderate amounts of caffeine as a way to improve focus and concentration.

What is ADHD?

Side Effects Of Caffeine

Increasing your mood, metabolism, and mental and physical performance is one of the effects of caffeine.

Additionally, studies have shown that when consumed in low to moderate amounts, it is safe for the majority of people.

High doses of caffeine, however, may have unfavourable and even harmful side effects. Your genes significantly influence how tolerant you are to it, according to research.

Some people are able to consume much more caffeine than others without experiencing any adverse effects.

If you consume too much caffeine, you may experience the following health problems:

  • insomnia
  • dehydration
  • upset stomach
  • trouble breathing
  • high blood pressure
  • fatigue and restlessness
  • headache
  • irregular heartbeat

How Does Caffeine Works In The Human Body?

Caffeine, a stimulant, is solely to blame for any energy boost you may experience after consuming energy drinks.

Adenosine, a brain chemical associated with sleep, is inhibited by caffeine.

Caffeine causes brain neurons to fire when it obstructs adenosine. The pituitary gland releases adrenaline to start the body’s fight or flight response because it believes the body is in danger.

The human brain is complex in nature.

This hormone causes the eyes to swell and the heartbeat to quicken. Additionally, for energy, it triggers the liver to release more sugar into the blood.

Dopamine, a chemical found in the pleasure centre of the brain, is affected by caffeine levels. You experience all of these bodily reactions as having more energy.

Can Energy Drinks Make You Hyper?

Energy drinks can make you hyper, primarily due to the presence of caffeine. It also has other ingredients like sugar and taurine that affects the nervous system and in one way or another provide energy.

The main nutrient in energy drinks is caffeine which helps you stay put, excited, and fresh.

During work hours, when you need to be alert and focused, caffeine can help you overcome fatigue and laziness.

Within ten minutes, caffeine enters your bloodstream, where it remains for several hours. It starts in the first 15 minutes, and after a while, you start to feel awake and energized. You will only get this feeling for a couple of hours.

Although caffeine helps start the feeling of being hyper, if used in excess, it can lead to caffeine addiction and illness.

Caffeine’s effects will wear off after 7–12 days of excessive use, and your body will develop a tolerance to it.

If you’re curious to know if you can consume energy drinks if you’ve been diagnosed with ADHD, read this article.

Best Energy Drinks To Boost Your Energy Levels

Let’s have a look at the table below mentioning energy drinks with high caffeine content.

BrandCaffeine (mg)Sugar (g)Calories
(16 fl. oz.)
Hyde Xtreme
(12 fl. oz.)
Redline Xtreme
(16 fl. oz.)
Brein Fuel
Energy Drinks for Boosting Energy

Redline Xtreme

Redline Xtreme
Redline Xtreme is sugar-free.

In order to increase energy and intensity for whatever your day has in store, it is made with a special combination of mental and physical energy components that goes beyond the original Redline.

Don’t underestimate it despite the fact that it comes in small bottles because it has a whopping 316mg of caffeine.

The manufacturer ensured the beverage was calorie, sugar, and fat-free to counteract the high caffeine content.

Hyde Xtreme

Hyde Xtreme pre-workout is fantastic because it contains ingredients that have been clinically and scientifically proven to be effective.

It’s a great choice for those looking for a potent pre-workout supplement that could help advance their workouts.

It has no sugar or calories and has 400 milligrams of caffeine.

Brein Fuel

Brein Fuel contains 360mg of caffeine.

As an added bonus, it has a lot of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. It also has a few exciting flavours to choose from.


Raze contains a low amount of sugar.

Pre-workout beverage Raze Energy is made especially for athletes, sportspeople, and people who live active lifestyles.

You’ll experience an improvement in energy, focus, hydration, and muscle recovery after consuming this beverage.

300mg of caffeine, BCAAs, no sugar, and calories are present in a 16 fl. oz. can of Raze energy drink.


Reize is the best.

A REIZE energy serving has 11 calories, 50mg of caffeine, and no added sugar.

I require this energy supplement every morning. Although for regular caffeine consumers, 50mg wouldn’t mean anything, for me it works perfectly well.

Caffeine, mixed with ginseng, B vitamins, and taurine helps you stay active without crashes and jitters.

Plus, you’ll like the versatility of this beverage because you can mix it with water, tea, coffee, soft drinks, and soda.

Also, with a dollar, you can get a packet of REIZE shipped to your doorstep.



Energy drinks can indeed make you hyper especially when overconsumed. This is due to caffeine and sugar which can exacerbate symptoms of hyperactivity.

However, not everyone is prone to hyperactivity due to energy drink consumption. You’ll only probably suffer from hyperactivity caused by caffeinated drinks if you have ADHD and other related conditions.

It is important to always practice moderation when consuming energy drinks. That way, you’ll be able to reap its benefits in the long term without worrying about the adverse effects.

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