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Can Energy Drinks Make You Dehydrated? (Honest Truth)

Can Energy Drinks Make You Dehydrated? (Honest Truth)

Energy drinks are among the most popular beverages worldwide, particularly among teenagers and gamers. What, after all, are they? And why are they so popular?

Guarana, caffeine, and taurine are all ingredients in energy powders, and they usually have a high sugar content and make individuals feel energized.

Energy drinks provide numerous advantages, including increased energy, metabolism, and cognition. However, numerous studies reveal that energy drinks are harmful to your health.

The short answer to the question of whether energy drinks can cause dehydration is YES. Dehydration can be caused by energy drinks. Certain circumstances may minimize or increase the symptoms of dehydration.

Let us investigate how accurate this assertion is.

Dehydration and Its Symptoms

Dehydration is a condition in which the body loses more fluids than it intakes. It can occur as a result of profuse perspiration, vomiting, diarrhea, or fever.

It can also occur if you don’t drink enough fluids or if your body does not absorb enough fluids.

The following are the most prevalent signs of dehydration:

  1. Dry mouth.
  2. You’re likely to be dehydrated as soon as you feel thirsty.
  3. Dizziness and nausea can also occur as a result of dehydration. This is why you may experience dizziness after vigorous exercise and sweating.
  4. You’ll get a headache if you don’t drink enough water.
  5. Water is required for the muscles to function properly.
  6. Fatigue can result from dehydration.
  7. If you consume less water, dehydration symptoms will show on your skin.

I’ve added a YouTube video showing the symptoms of dehydration.

The basic symptoms of dehydration.

Children are more likely to dehydrate than adults because they have a larger surface area-to-body weight ratio and are more likely to become overheated or overly active in hot weather.

Energy drink consumption has also been linked to dehydration; presumably, the components in energy drinks have something to do with this.

Let’s look at the most prevalent substances in energy drinks and discover if they actually induce dehydration!

Common Ingredients in Energy Drinks

Sugar, caffeine, minerals, vitamins, and taurine are all popular constituents in energy supplements.

There are other ingredients, but the ones listed above are featured in practically every energy drink.

Many consumers have been duped by the marketing of energy drinks into believing that they’re a healthier drink alternative. They do not!

Energy supplements can dehydrate you and be hazardous to your health.


Caffeine is a stimulant that has been shown to boost attentiveness and energy levels. Energy drinks are frequently caffeinated and can have as much caffeine as a cup of coffee, if not more.

Caffeine has been linked to a number of undesirable side effects, including headaches, dizziness, nervousness, stomach cramps, and so on.

There have also been a few studies that suggest caffeine may contribute to dehydration.

Does Caffeine Cause Dehydration?

Caffeine in energy drinks might dehydrate you because it acts as a diuretic, causing your kidneys to expel more water from your body than usual.

However, it’s crucial to note that the effect of caffeine on the body is dependent on a variety of factors, including the amount consumed, a person’s weight, and metabolism.

Brewed coffee.
Caffeine may cause dehydration in certain cases.


Sugar is a source of undesirable extra calories and provides no nourishment. It also dehydrates you and increases your chance of kidney stones by 50%.

Furthermore, sugar can lead to obesity, diabetes, tooth damage, and other disorders. Sugar’s adverse effects are extremely harmful to your health and well-being.

Does Sugar Cause Dehydration?

Sugar is a carbohydrate, and it’s true that carbs can cause us to lose water.

The fact that sugar is dehydrating is not due to the sugar itself. All carbohydrates, in fact, cause a person to lose water.

Sugar can dehydrate us because when we consume sugar, our bodies attempt to break down the sugars into glucose and fructose so that they can be absorbed into our bloodstream. As the body works to rid itself of extra carbohydrates, this process increases urine and thirst.

It’s recommended that you drink at least 11 to 15 glasses of water per day because your body needs a sufficient amount of water to perform these processes.


The most prevalent micronutrients contained in energy drinks are vitamins. Vitamins such as C, E, D, B6, and B12 are commonly found in energy drinks.

These vitamins are required for a variety of bodily activities. The following are some of the advantages of vitamins typically present in energy drinks:

Vitamin B12Vitamin B12 reduces oxidative damage and is the most prominent and beneficial vitamin in the vitamin B complexes.
Vitamin EVitamin E reduces oxidative stress, resulting in diminished fatigue.
Vitamin DVitamin D is an important vitamin that assists in the healthy development of bones. Moreover, it also aids in mineral absorption.
Vitamin CVitamin C is high in antioxidants and helps to safeguard the body from free radicals.
Vitamins in Energy Drinks.


Minerals are another type of micronutrient that is involved in a variety of body activities. Minerals’ most vital jobs are to keep your body fluids in balance and to keep your brain functioning properly.

Sodium, potassium, and chloride are the most frequent minerals present in energy drinks.

Let’s look at how these minerals can help you stay hydrated.

Sodium The consumption of sodium can replace the body fluid which you relinquish in sweating, urination, and vomiting. In this way, sodium can restrain your body fluids and keep you hydrated.
PotassiumPotassium also maintains the body’s fluid levels and assists you in sustaining homeostasis.
ChlorideChloride plays an important function in hydration, along with sodium and potassium.
Minerals in Energy Drinks.

It’s worth noting that even when energy drinks contain minerals, they don’t result in significant hydration.

The reason for this is that they have a low mineral content. They can contribute a tiny amount of minerals to your diet, but not significantly.

Do Energy Drinks Cause Dehydration?

Energy drinks have been linked to dehydration due to high doses of caffeine, sugar, and alcohol. All three substances are known to dehydrate the body and cause water loss, which is necessary for hydration.

Taurine, guarana seed extract, inositol hexaphosphate, sodium citrate, potassium benzoate, potassium sorbate, and sucrose acetate isobutyrate are among the other substances found in energy drinks. These substances have all been linked to a variety of health problems ranging from cancer to diabetes.

That being said, there are numerous energy drinks on the market currently that are not like traditional energy drinks. They don’t have a lot of sugar or caffeine in them. Dehydration can be avoided by consuming fewer sweets and caffeine.

It should be mentioned that all energy drinks should be consumed within the manufacturer’s advised limit.

Does an Energy Drink Count as Water Intake?

They can be counted as a fluid but not as a water intake.

Energy drink consumption has been linked to dehydration, and water is unlikely to dehydrate you, so there you’ve it!

Remember that when you buy an energy drink, it can also serve additional functions, such as boosting energy or activating your senses. That said, it’s not always intended to hydrate you.

A glass of water.
Nothing can beat water when it comes to hydrating the body to the fullest.

Other Beverages for Hydration

A few other beverages which can hydrate you really well are cited below:

  1. Water
  2. Milk
  3. Fruit-infused water
  4. Fruit juices
  5. Herbal teas
  6. Coconut water

Is Drinking Water Better?

Drinking water for hydration is unquestionably superior to consuming any other beverage.

However, you may be surprised to learn that milk can hydrate you even better than water.

That said, when compared to energy drinks, water is clearly the victor.

Is it okay to Drink Energy Drinks Every Day?

Individuals drink gaming energy drinks virtually every day to keep their thoughts active and attentive; in short, it has become a requirement for most people. So the question is if it’s safe to use energy drinks.

The answer is that it is safe to consume energy supplements on a daily basis. You should always choose energy drinks that are low in calories, sugar, and caffeine.

The majority of energy drinks today contain artificial sweeteners, including sucralose, acesulfame, and aspartame. The usage of these artificial sweeteners does not result in dehydration or other negative effects that are found with sugar.

Sugar waffles.
To stay hydrated, you should consume less sugar.

Caffeine, on the other hand, remains a problem because it is the key ingredient in many energy drinks. The good news is that most energy powders have less caffeine than liquid energy drinks, making them a better option.

In general, drinking energy drinks in moderation is the key to reaping maximum advantages with the least amount of negative side effects.

Furthermore, if you use energy drinks, it is always best to boost your water consumption to combat any dehydration symptoms.

Anyway, if you’re wondering if you still can drink energy drinks while staying hydrated, then you might go for REIZE, which happens to be my personal favorite.

REIZE (Personal Fav)

REIZE is a powdered energy drink that comes in a 4g packet. It encloses no sugar, only 50mg of caffeine, and 11 calories per serving.

REIZE can also be incorporated with almost any other beverage. In my opinion, it’s the most adaptive energy drink on the market.

REIZE also contains a proprietary blend of taurine, ginseng, and B vitamins, all of which work together to give you the energy you need for a lengthy gaming session without the sugar crash. Not to mention the sustenance provided by the vitamins in this energy drink.

REIZE Energy Drink.
REIZE Energy Drink.

Which of these features is your favorite? REIZE will be delivered to your door for approximately $1 for each drink.

That’s an incredible bargain, and it’s significantly less expensive, so TRY REIZE TODAY!

Bottom Line

  • Even though energy drinks are a good source of energy, they can be harmful to your health.
  • The issue with energy drinks is that they may contain an excessive amount of caffeine, which your body may be unable to handle. Dehydration can result in headaches, irritability, and even cardiac problems.
  • Energy drinks also include sugar, which, if eaten in excess, can lead to diabetes, obesity, and tooth decay.
  • However, unlike regular energy drink powders, there are few energy drinks on the market that contain safer components. As a result, you can drink them in moderation.
  • A few ingredients present in energy drinks have been given below.
  1. Caffeine
  2. Sugar
  3. Vitamins and minerals

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