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Discovering the Best Energy Drinks for Dancers

Discovering the Best Energy Drinks for Dancers

If you’re looking for an energy drink that’s going to keep you energised during your dance rehearsal, REIZE is the perfect pair for you!

Dance is an amazing way to stay fit and keep healthy. Not only that, but it’s also a good form of expression and a way to escape from your daily life.

Regardless of what stage you are in your dancer’s life, a good energy drink always hits the spot. With the intense 8-hour schedules of professional dancers, it’s no wonder you need a good energy drink.

And as such you need energy drinks that will cater to those performances.


Let’s find out what is the best energy drink for dancers!

Dance Styles


Ballet is a style that focuses on grace, poise and posture. However, it’s also a dance that is done by multiple soloists, or a group, who share the stage in terms of short dances all compiled.

In any ballet performance, it’s more common to see a soloist do multiple one-to-two-minute solos and then rest and run back out on stage compared to a long haul of an hour of dancing straight on stage.

However, it is important to also remember that ballet performances are at least 2 hours long and as a ballet dancer you also need to keep up your stamina during that time.

You’ll need the energy during those huge jumps and turns and the continuous strain on your body.


Contemporary dance is a style that focuses on stamina. With a lot of contemporary dancers, they are often found on stage at the same time in groups.

They would be doing butt rolls and turns as well as a lot of using the floor and the ground to their advantage.

They also spend a lot of time on the stage. In a 1 hour contemporary performance, it’s not uncommon for the dancer to be on stage for the entire hour dancing without ever going backstage.

In a study, it was shown that contemporary dancers need more muscular endurance than ballet dancers.

This is because when on stage for an hour and especially when doing feats of acrobatic tricks, contemporary dancers need to be more alert to how they are dancing and the movements they are executing.

Hip Hop

Hip Hop is an energetic and dynamic type of dance that focuses on multiple tricks and the movement of the body in parts.

With hip hop, it’s always high energy and big movements and you can also get your cardio in.

Not going to lie, hip-hop is intense because it has such controlled energetic movements that are extremely fast-paced.

And the stops and starts will have you panting during a performance in no time.

However, hip-hop performances are also shorter than ballet and contemporary.

That’s to keep you up and dancing through those pops and locks.

Should I drink an energy drink before an audition?

Yes, you can drink a serving of energy drink before an audition.

However, be mindful of the contents of your favourite energy drink to avoid any discomfort while performing.

During an audition, you want to be at your best and in order to do that you need a drink that can keep you at peak performance.

If you are used to drinking energy drinks and do drink them on a normal basis I would say absolutely, go for it.

On the contrary, steer clear of energy drinks if you’re sensitive to caffeine and other energy drink ingredients.

I would say it’s better safe than sorry, only drink energy drinks if you are used to them and you are sure they will help you rather than hinder your performance.

Dancer Nutrition and Health

Staying healthy and active is important in your life as a dancer. You need a great deal of energy to perform better and to ensure that you have the endurance and stamina that it takes to finish a performance.

Here are ways to stay healthy as a dancer:

Balanced Diet

Carbs are a good source of energy for dance-routine stamina. It’s best to choose “healthy carbs” instead of junk carbs.

You also need good fats in your diet. I know that as a dancer you want to stay away from anything that might make you gain weight, but some fats are essential.

Try avocados – not only are they very versatile, but they are also an excellent source of healthy fat.

You also need a combination of proteins and minerals to ensure that you stay healthy and fit.

You can also turn to energy drinks but be sure to consult with your dietician before adding them to your diet.

I have a few recommendations for healthy energy drink alternatives in this article.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking lots of water and staying hydrated is so important for any dancer to replace lost fluids.

Even mild dehydration can affect your performance. This is because dehydration for a dancer can affect balance and posture.

You’ll end up overheating your body if you don’t drink enough water, especially after being under those stage lights for so long.

While plain water is best for staying hydrated, drinks such as juice and sports drinks can also help.

Though I’d stay away from energy drinks for this one though. Studies have shown that energy drinks can cause dehydration faster in the heat.

Watch the video below to learn more about rehydration drinks!


Get Massages

As a dancer, each day you are using your muscles to their fullest extent. In fact, you are using your muscles so much you are causing them to tighten.

I would recommend getting a deep tissue massage at least once a week as it helps blood flow and relaxes your muscles.

Not to mention that without the massages, you are more prone to injuries because your body has no means to relax.

Even if you can’t afford a massage, try to roll yourself out each day using tennis balls and rollers.

What to look for in an energy drink?

When looking for an energy drink, you need to consider a number of things such as:

  • Caffeine
  • Sugar Levels
  • Price
  • Is it suitable for the intensity I am going at?


Caffeine is great for when you need a pick-me-up in the middle of practice.

This is because a dose of caffeine helps you stay alert and ready to go.

But you also don’t want to overdose on caffeine and leave yourself feeling worse than you did before.

As such, I would recommend 50 to 100mg of caffeine per drink, that’s what I consider to be the ideal amount. Enough to give you a nice boost, but not so much that you can’t think straight.

Regardless of how much you drink, try not to go over the FDA‘s guidance of no more than 400mg of caffeine each day.


Sugar is the main source of energy in an energy drink.

However, sugar can also be horrible for your body, especially too much of it.

Too much sugar can cause major problems such as diabetes and obesity.

As such, the American Health Association recommends:

SexDaily Intake
Men150kcal / 37.5g / 9 tsp
Women100kcal / 25g / 6 tsp
Maximum Daily Intake of Sugar


When choosing energy drinks you don’t want something that’s so expensive.

But you also don’t want to forgo the quality of the energy drink.

As such, I personally would recommend REIZE which is only $1 and ships right to your doorstep!

But I’ll elaborate more on that later…

Is it suitable for the intensity I am going at?

If you were to just be dancing for an hour and as a hobby, I would suggest something lighter with less caffeine and either less sugar or sugar-free.

But if you were dancing even more than 8 hours, for example, a dance practice of 12 hours, I would say go for more of both.

Understanding how intense your training is will help you figure out what sort of energy drink you should buy and ensure that you as a dancer are kept fit and healthy and performing to the best of your ability.

Best Energy Drinks for Dancers

Monster Energy Drink

Monster energy drink contains the following ingredients:

  • 190 calories
  • 179mg of caffeine
  • 54g carbohydrates  
  • 54g sugars
  • 370mg sodium 
  • Vitamin B2
  • B3 Vitamins
  • Vitamin B6
  • B12 vitamins

A large amount of caffeine and high sugar content would suggest that Monster Energy Drink should be only for high-intensity dancers as well as dancers who want a big boost of both energy and alertness.

When it comes down to it, I feel that Monster Energy Drink is great for hip-hop dancers during their performances.

Red Bull

Red Bull is a great overall booster for dancers.

That’s because Red Bull contains a good amount of sugar and caffeine.

Red Bull contains:

  • 110 calories
  • 28g carbohydrates
  • 27g sugars 
  • 80mg of caffeine
  • Niacin
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Pantothenic Acid

It has the perfect amount of caffeine for a medium-intensity workout. 80mg per can is a sensible amount for any dancer.

I would also say that for a ballet performance, this is the perfect energy drink as it will give you the right amount of alertness and the energy boost that you need.


Zipfizz is a great energy drink in the sense that it’s easy to carry around in your dance bag since it is a powdered energy drink.

In terms of ingredients, it contains:

  •  20 calories
  • 2g of carbohydrates
  • 100mg of caffeine
  • 500mg of Vitamin C
  • 15 IU of Vitamin E
  • 2,150 IU of Vitamin A
  • 500mg of Vitamin C
  • 0.75mg of Thiamine
  • 0.85mg of Riboflavin
  • 10mg of Niacin
  • 1mg of Vitamin B6
  • 200mcg of Folate
  • 2,500mg of Vitamin B12
  • 5mg of Pantothenic acid
  • 60mg of Calcium
  • 100mg of Magnesium
  • 7.5mg of Zinc
  • 35mcg of Selenium
  • 0.25mg of Copper
  • 950mg of Potassium
  • 75mg of Sodium
  • 60mcg of Chromium
  • 1mg of Manganese
  • grape seed extract
  • green tea extract 
  • guarana

I feel like it’s a great energy drink for lower-intensity dancing such as short practices.

I also feel like it’s great for contemporary dance performances as it’s just the right amount of caffeine to keep you alert and with Zipfizz being sugar-free you can guarantee there will be no sugar crashes on stage.

I also really like the fruit flavours of Zipfizz and it tastes great though if you want to compare flavours, check out my post on that.

REIZE (10 out of 10)

A serving of REIZE can help you through your dancing performance!

I would absolutely recommend REIZE Energy Drink for any dancer just because it has the perfect blend of ingredients for a sustained boost that’s not overpowering.

What I mean by that is that REIZE contains 50mg of caffeine and is absolutely sugar-free!

But don’t let that fool you, REIZE has a mix of caffeine, ginseng, taurine, and B vitamins.

They all work together to give you a long-lasting energy boost that will make any practice or performance go by with a breeze with the promise of no sugar crash.

To break it down for you, it has a sensible amount of caffeine, but also other ingredients that give you the right energy amount for ballet.

A good amount of caffeine and no sugar not to mention the long-lasting energy boost.

The burst of energy and alertness you need for hip hop because of the extra ginseng, taurine, and B vitamins that all work together in harmony.

And an overall great taste for just about any dance style or intensity.

Best of all, REIZE costs only around $1 per drink including shipping to your door.

Give REIZE a shot today and I’ll bet you’ll love it as much as I do.

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