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IBS-Friendly Energy Drinks: Finding Relief and Comfort

IBS-Friendly Energy Drinks: Finding Relief and Comfort

Top Recommendations: REIZE Energy!

If you’re suffering from IBS you might have to pay attention to your food intake in order to ensure that you’re not eating anything that can trigger it further.

Unfortunately, that means that you might have to give up some of your favorite food items, including energy drinks.

Now I know for a fact that many are dependent on energy drinks to get by day to day, so does having IBS means you really have to cut off energy drinks? 

Read on to find out the best energy drinks for IBS!

Disclaimer: Consult your doctor before consuming energy drinks if you have IBS.

Energy Drinks and IBS

Energy drinks can be consumed even if you have IBS. But as a general rule, you should choose one with a moderate amount of caffeine and sugar to avoid worsening your IBS condition.

I don’t know about you, but I’m dependent on a caffeinated beverage to kickstart my day. For convenience’s sake, I usually get it from coffee or energy drinks.

Sadly, energy drinks can somehow trigger IBS, which obviously means that you shouldn’t consume too much of it.

No one knows you better than you do, so trust your gut feeling for better gut health (pun intended).

excess caffeine is bad for IBS
Is caffeine bad for IBS?

Is caffeine OK for IBS?

Moderate amounts of caffeine can be okay for IBS. 

Generally, caffeine is known to be incompatible with those with IBS because it triggers your stomach to produce acid, which stimulates your colon or gut leading to an irritated bowel.

Therefore, high doses of caffeine, especially for those who are more sensitive to the stimulant may worsen the IBS situation.

According to this study, consuming caffeine is associated with an increased incidence of IBS, especially among overweight women.

Some common caffeinated items include coffee, tea, energy drinks, soft drinks, and chocolates.

However, rejoice as this doesn’t mean that you should cut out caffeine entirely. Once again, it depends on your caffeine tolerance. If you feel caffeine doesn’t affect your IBS badly, you can still consume small doses of caffeine. 

If you’re a coffee or tea fan with an insatiable urge for a caffeine kick, but don’t want to trigger your gut, you could choose a decaffeinated option or a weak caffeinated one, like green tea.

Is sugar OK for IBS?

As with caffeine, sugar too in moderate amounts is okay for IBSConsumption of excess sugar can worsen IBS as the sugar won’t be well absorbed by your intestines. 

If you suffer from IBS, you’re most likely to be fructose-intolerant, and fructose is another term for sugar. Note that even sugar-free items can aggravate your bowels!

Sucralose, an artificial sweetener actually alters the good bacteria and pH levels in your gut which can lead to digestive issues.

Therefore, pay close attention to the amount and ingredients list and be aware of all the pseudonyms that sugar goes by.

Watch this video explaining the symptoms of IBS.

Are energy drinks bad for IBS?

Energy drinks can be bad for IBS. 

This is because some energy drinks contain a high amount of caffeine and sugar, both of which are not favorable to IBS patients.

Energy drinks are also diuretics, which won’t be good for you if you have diarrheathe combination of diuretics on top of diarrhea could further cause your body to be dehydrated.

Energy drinks too can trigger side effects, like jitters, anxiousness, and tummy upsets, all of which can potentially worsen your gastrointestinal conditions. 

However, this doesn’t mean you need to abstain from energy drinks. You can still enjoy your energy drinks if you have ones with a moderate amount of caffeine and sugar, suitable to your tolerance. 

At the end of this post, I’ll be recommending a few energy drinks that might interest you.

Can energy drinks help with fatigue from IBS?

Yes, energy drinks can help with fatigue from IBS.

Other than the tummy upset you get from IBS, it can also cause fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting.

Understandably, it truly sucks to be in that situation, but there are times that you need to carry on with your day despite not feeling the best. If caffeine or sugar doesn’t trigger your IBS, then you’re set to gain energy from energy drinks.

Energy drinks could help you tide over for a few hours until you’re able to be well-rested. 

However, it’s also important to not drink too many energy drinks as caffeine and sugar can irritate your bowels.

Water and how it affects IBS
Is water a good choice for IBS?

Should you drink water if you suffer from IBS?

Yes, water is the best beverage to drink if you have IBS. 

If you’re suffering from constipated IBS, water can help your stools to pass out easier. And if you’re suffering from diarrhoea-IBS, water would rehydrate you well. 

Therefore, it’s always good practice to have a water bottle with you at all times, and if you can’t stand the plain taste of water, add some lemon slices for a zesty touch.

Can caffeine help with IBS constipation?

The simple answer is, YES, caffeine can help with IBS constipation. 

This is because caffeine can cause contractions in your colon and intestinal muscles to stimulate you to poop. This is more apparent for those suffering from IBS.

If you drink a caffeinated beverage, like coffee or energy drinks, you are most likely to be able to defecate better.

However, caffeine is also diuretic and thus might worsen your constipation due to dehydration if taken in large amounts.

If you’re suffering from terrible constipation, fiber is the best option to help with it.

Can I drink Red Bull if I have IBS?

Unfortunately, there is no right or wrong answer here as it largely depends on several factors.

An 8.4 fl. oz can of Red Bull energy drink contains:

Sugar 27 grams
Caffeine80 mg
Glucuronolactone600 mg
Niacin (Vitamin B3)5.1 µg 
Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5)5.1 µg 
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)5 mg 
Cobalamin (Vitamin B12)5.1 µg
The nutrients you can find in Red Bull and their benefits

I think the caffeine content is pretty moderate for IBS, but the sugar content is a bit too high and might further aggravate your bowel. 

With that said, it actually boils down to your body’s own tolerance and reaction to caffeine and sugar. Therefore, if you find drinking Red Bull makes your condition worse, you should discontinue drinking it.

There are other energy drinks in the market with different amounts of caffeine and sugar, that should be able to provide you the energy boost you need without irritating your gut.

Best Energy Drinks for IBS

Advocare Spark Energy Drink

  • Sugar – zero
  • Caffeine – 120mg 
  • Calories – 15 per serving 

Something to spark your interest, this energy drink is not only sugar-free but also contains 120mg of caffeine, which is an amount that I think could work if you’re in need of a quick boost. 

Advocare Spark Energy Drink too has pretty low calories and could easily be burned off with an afternoon jog.

Mountain Dew Kickstart

  • Sugar – 20g
  • Caffeine – 92mg 
  • Calories – 80 per serving 

Despite having a moderate caffeine content, 20g of sugar might not sit well with you.

However, don’t get too dejected as there are 2 sugar-free options: 

  • Ultra Energizing Original Dew
  • Diet Mountain Dew


  • Sugar – zero
  • Caffeine – 80mg 
  • Calories – 10 per serving 

XS Energy Drink seems like a good option for IBS, as it’s sugar-free and has a moderate amount of caffeine. It not only comes in 18 different flavors for you to choose from but also with 2 caffeine-free options, so you will never be out of options.

The downside of XS Energy Drink, however, is that it does have a high price point. With shipping, a single 8.4 fl. oz can cost around $3-$4.

REIZE Energy Drink

REIZE Energy Drink is very convenient.
REIZE is home-delivered for your convenience.
  • Sugar – zero 
  • Caffeine – 50mg 
  • Calories – 11 per serving

I personally love the caffeine amount that REIZE Energy Drink contains. 50mg of caffeine is a sensible amount that will still provide a nice energy boost without triggering my bowels.

In addition to caffeine, REIZE also contains a smart mix of other great ingredients including taurine, ginseng, and B group vitamins that will give you the perfect energy boost, with no crash.

Did I mention my favorite part of REIZE Energy Drink? It’s super affordable only around $1 per drink, including shipping directly to your door that’s an amazing deal, especially compared to the other options listed above. 

Need I say more?

Give REIZE a try today and I’m sure you’ll agree that it’s the best energy drink for IBS.

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