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Weight Loss: Uncover the Top Energy Drink for Fat Burning

Weight Loss: Uncover the Top Energy Drink for Fat Burning

Top Recommendation: REIZE Energy

Maybe you woke up suddenly with a realization that you have some fat to burn off. Or you want to get in shape for an upcoming event. Sometimes you just want to be healthier and shed a few pounds while you’re at it.

Burning off fat sounds easy, but it’s not that effortless. There are so many temptations everywhere around us. Fast food, cakes, donuts, sweet frappucinos, and energy drinks. 

But wait, what if you can still have energy drinks while on your quest to burn fat?

What if I told you that energy drinks can actually help you burn fat?

Don’t believe me?

Stick around. 

What to Consider


Caffeine is the main component of an energy drink and is also beneficial for fat burning. 

Caffeine is a natural stimulant that can affect your metabolism by increasing it. A higher metabolic rate will increase the chances of fat burning. 

In my opinion, the perfect amount of caffeine in an energy drink is between 50 to 100mg.

Any more than 100mg and I find it to be a bit overpowering and sometimes leave me unable to concentrate.

Also, it’s worth keeping in mind that the FDA recommends a maximum of 400mg of caffeine per day for healthy adults. That’s caffeine from all sources – energy drinks, coffee, tea, sodas, or elsewhere.

Caffeine can actually increase your metabolic rate by 3-11% and fat burning by 29% in lean people and 10% for those who are obese.

However, caffeine’s efficacy in fat burning goes down not only with age but also with tolerance. 

We build up tolerance against caffeine with daily consumption. That’s why if we first started out only needing a cup of coffee a day to keep us awake, by maybe a week or two we’ll be needing 2 or 3 cups for the same effect.

The same goes for our metabolic rate and caffeine tolerance. As we build up tolerance against caffeine, our metabolic rate tends to decrease, thus we would need more caffeine to keep our metabolic rate up.

Consuming too much caffeine may result in a caffeine overdose or other side effects.

So how can you overcome this issue?

My suggestion is to schedule your caffeine consumption, from energy drinks. For example, cut out caffeine for a week every second or third week. Hopefully, that will break whatever caffeine tolerance you’ve built up.

In short, energy drinks with higher caffeine content can potentially help you burn fat, however, remember to monitor your daily caffeine intake so as to not overdose.


Sugar is also another main ingredient in many energy drinks that contributes to the energy you get.

Sugar is generally unhealthy and not only does it hinder your fat from burning but also can cause your weight to increase instead of decrease

When you’re on the path to fat-burning and consuming sugar at the same time, the sugar you consume will be used as energy and your current fat deposit will remain intact.

Many energy drinks nowadays are sugar-free but do contain artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners are zero calories and thus don’t cause weight gain however, your mental strength might be affected.

What I mean is, that you might think artificial sweeteners give you a “free pass” to indulge in sugary items which would otherwise result in weight gain.

In short, try to abstain from sugar completely, choose energy drinks that are sugar-free to help you on your fat burning journey. 


Most energy drinks have very similar contents – caffeine, B vitamins, and sugar. As much as different brands try to persuade you that they are special or different, the truth is, they are mostly very similar.

We’ve heard of the saying “beauty is pain”, “no pain no gain” and others that state we need to “sacrifice” something in return for a better something.

So we may think that in order to be healthier and burn off fat we may need to invest more in our diet.

That’s not the case here.

Why pay more than you need to?

If you know where to look, there are plenty of really good value energy drinks out there. Likewise, there are plenty of expensive energy drinks on the real and virtual shelves too.

The trick is knowing where to look for the best deals and best value without sacrificing quality.

To find out some good value options, hang around or skip ahead to the bottom of this post and I’ll share a few of my favorite energy drinks for burning fat with you.

For tips on how to find the best deals on energy drinks, check here.

Energy Drinks and Dieting

In order to burn fat, you might be on a certain diet. Energy drinks are still permissible during your dieting period depending on their nutritional component.

Intermittent Fast

Intermittent fasting focuses on the timing of your food intake rather than what you eat. It’s therefore okay to have energy drinks (of any sort) during your eating window. 

While you’re in your fasting window, you are allowed to freely consume caffeine but you need to watch out for your sugar and calorie intake.

Therefore, you can still have your energy drinks while on an intermittent fast, just make sure to choose an energy drink that is sugar-free and low in calories to maintain a fasting state. 

I have previously written about the best energy drinks for intermittent fasting, I highly recommend checking that article out if you’re interested in intermittent fasting.

Keto Diet

If you’re on a keto diet, your goal is to consume fewer carbs and more fat as your body is burning the fat to produce energy.

Did you know that caffeine is actually beneficial for your keto journey? It could potentially increase plasma ketones in your body. 

The same goes for the keto diet, you are still able to enjoy your energy drinks that have lower carbs and sugar content. Excess carbs and sugar might throw your body out of the ketosis state. 

For more information on energy drinks and the keto diet, you can check out my previous blog post.

Energy Drinks and Exercise

It’s a no-brainer that exercising is the best way to burn fat and for a healthier you. But, did you know that energy drinks are a good partner for exercise?

Energy drinks can help increase your physical performance giving you the energy to burn off fat. 

Also, taurine in energy drinks is beneficial for your exercise as it can fight muscle fatigue and calm your mind. 

Mental support is also important in your journey to burn off fat.

If you wish to pair energy drinks and exercise, try consuming them 30-45 minutes before you start to exercise, for optimum effectiveness. 

However, I do need to mention that energy drinks are not effective or meant to be used for hydration.

During or after exercise, you might want to stay clear of energy drinks if you feel you’ve lost a lot of fluid and drink water or electrolyte replacements instead.

But once you’re rehydrated, go ahead and grab another can of energy drink to increase your energy levels once again if you feel that you need one.

Energy drinks are also great for cardio, half-marathons, or gym work-outs which are all topics that I’ve previously covered.

Do energy drinks make you gain weight?

Yes, energy drinks can make you gain weight. 

It mostly depends on the sugar and calorie content of the energy drink in question and whether you’re physically active or not.

If you’re able to burn off the extra sugar and calories then it might not be a problem.

Does Red Bull make you gain weight?

Drinking Red Bull in moderation will probably not cause you to gain weight, especially if you are physically active.

However, Red Bull contains 110 calories and 27g of sugar per regular 8.4 fl. oz can, so this might make you gain weight if you don’t exercise and if the rest of your diet is not balanced and healthy.

Therefore, moderation is the key.

If you’re wondering whether it’s safe to drink Red Bull every day, check out my other article on that topic.

Furthermore, here’s a brief overview of what a can of Red Bull typically contains.

Caffeine80 mg
Glucuronolactone600 mg
Niacin (Vitamin B3)5.1 µg 
Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5)5.1 µg 
Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)5 mg 
Cobalamin (Vitamin B12)5.1 µg
Nutrients in Red Bull.

Do Monster Energy Drinks make you gain weight?

Similar to Red Bull, drinking Monster energy drinks in moderation isn’t likely to cause you to gain weight if you do regular exercise and eat an otherwise healthy diet.

However, like Red Bull, if you are not active and if the rest of your diet is not healthy and balanced, the calories and sugar in Monster may eventually cause some weight gain.

If you’re wondering exactly what the difference is between Red Bull and Monster, you should take a look at my other article which I’ve linked to.

Can energy drinks help you to burn fat?

Yes, energy drinks can help you burn fat. 

Once again, the caffeine content in energy drinks can boost your metabolism which in turn can help you burn fat.

But, it’s important to note that drinking energy drinks alone will not cause you to lose weight. You need to actually do some physical activity or exercise to get the benefit of the increased fat burning.

Energy drinks can also be your fat-burning partner by providing you with the energy and mental alertness you need to burn off fat at the gym.

They can be a double-edged prong to firstly help you get your butt into the gym and then to increase the impact of any exercise that you do on burning fat once you’re in there.

So grab yourself an energy drink and do some exercise today!

Can Celsius Energy Drink help me to burn fat?

Yes, Celsius Energy Drink can help you burn fat. 

Let’s first look at the contents, 200-300mg of caffeine, zero sugar, and only 10 calories. 

The ingredients look pretty good to me.

I personally don’t love the high caffeine content, but it might be suitable for you especially if you have a higher tolerance.

Also, Celsius promotes thermogenesis which is heat generation that contributes to better metabolism and weight loss.

What is thermogenesis?

Other Drinks for Fat Burning


As mentioned above, caffeine can increase metabolism and therefore help with fat burning.

Like energy drinks, coffee is a good source of caffeine.

Many people choose coffee as their daily pick-me-up while some choose energy drinks.

Choose whichever you prefer and what works for you.

Coffee can help with fat burning, but make sure you’re not loading it up with sugar and cream because that’ll only backfire when you’re trying to burn fat and lose weight

Green Tea

Green tea extends its benefits to fat-burning too.

This is because green tea contains high amounts of catechins, that can accelerate fat burning and boost your metabolism. 

A previous study proved that individuals who drank concentrated green tea over 12 weeks lost up to 7.7 pounds.

Best Energy Drinks to Burn Fat

Here are a few energy drinks that you may want to have a closer look at if your goal is to finally burn some of that stubborn fat.

Red Bull Total Zero

This is a healthier option than the super famous energy drink, regular Red Bull.

Red Bull Total Zero gives you the same taste and nice energy boost, but without the 27g of sugar and 110 calories that regular Red Bull contains. 

It contains 80mg of caffeine per 8.4 fl. oz can, a pretty moderate amount, especially if you’re at the lower end of the spectrum of caffeine tolerance, like me.

A more detailed look at Red Bull Energy Drink is in this other article that I wrote, where I also let you know if Red Bull can really give you wings.


Maybe 80mg of caffeine is too mild for you. How about I triple that amount? Introducing Rockstar Zero Carb Energy Drink with 240mg of caffeine, zero sugar, and zero calories. 

The whopping high caffeine content isn’t my cup of tea, but it could be yours.

Of course, a higher caffeine content means a higher metabolic rate, but do exercise caution as you don’t want any side effects of excessive caffeine consumption which might include jitters and difficulty in sleep.

Also remember, the recommended daily caffeine intake is 400mg according to the FDA. With 240mg of caffeine per can, you really shouldn’t be having any more than a single one of these on any given day.

REIZE Energy Drink (10 out of 10)

REIZE Energy Drink is very convenient.
REIZE is home-delivered for your convenience.

Now here’s my favorite fat-burning energy drink. With a very sensible 50mg of caffeine per, REIZE gives me a great and long-lasting energy boost without overdoing it.

It not only provides me with great energy to get through my day, but it’s also a great gym partner.

The combination of caffeine, taurine, ginseng, and B group vitamins all work together to get me into the “sweet spot” where I can feel a nice boost, but I can also think clearly and I’m not rattled from having too much caffeine all at once.

The zero sugar and only 11 calories per serving mean that I don’t need to worry about gaining weight. 

Best of all, for only about $1 per drink delivered right to your door, it’s the most affordable energy drink on this list and definitely ideal for you to burn off fat without burning a hole in your pocket. 

Give REIZE a try today and you might just find that it also becomes your favorite fat-burning energy drink, as it has for me.

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