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ADHD and Energy Drinks: Best Options and Health Implications

ADHD and Energy Drinks: Best Options and Health Implications

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, widely known as “ADHD” is a mental disorder that commonly affects children and adults. 

Did you know that there are 3 types of ADHD diagnosis? They are the inattentive type, the hyperactive/impulsive type, or the combined type.

Also, did you know that scientists have not yet identified the specific causes of ADHD? 

Now, if you have been diagnosed with ADHD but are crazy in love with energy drinks, read on to find out how you can still enjoy your favorite ones without compromising your health. 

I’m sure you’ll learn a few new things by the end of this article, so stay with me.

Disclaimer: Consult your doctor regarding your dietary requirements if you are on ADHD medication before drinking energy drinks.

Symptoms of ADHD

Some basic symptoms of ADHD are:

  • high activity levels
  • inability to keep still
  • short attention span

These symptoms are more noticeable in children than adults with ADHD.

Usually, when we see someone with an inability to focus or who likes to move around a lot, we tend to “diagnose” them with ADHD.

It’s no laughing matter and we have a duty of care as respectable humans to help someone’s mental health.

Triggers for ADHD

ADHD is usually triggered by some common factors which include:

  • stress
  • poor sleep
  • certain foods
  • overstimulation
  • technology

Myths and Facts about ADHD

Let me quickly share with you 3 myths and facts about ADHD.

1. ADHD equals hyperactivity. Usually yes, but in certain cases actually no. Inactive ADHD means that someone appears spacey and unmotivated.

2. Those with ADHD can never pay attention. They actually can and do pay attention to activities that they are interested in. However, they tend to lose focus when things start getting repetitive or boring.

3. Medication can cure ADHD. There is no medication to cure ADHD, but there are medications to help you cope with the symptoms. Education, therapy, a good support system, and good nutrition can also help you.

Recommended Food for ADHD

To keep ADHD at bay, here’s a list of recommended food that might help:

  • foods rich in protein
  • balance meals
  • vitamins and minerals
  • zinc, iron, and magnesium
  • Omega 3 fatty acids

ADHD and Sugar

Those with ADHD are usually “turned on” by sugar. Sugar is rumored to cause extreme hyperactivity, especially in children.

There is no scientific proof linking sugar to ADHD. But I do agree that sugar does give someone extra energy because of the spike in blood sugar levels.

However, children that consume excess sugar might become hyperactive due to the timing or the situation. For example, if you give a child ice cream near bedtime, of course, the child will be too active to want to sleep. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the sugar is causing hyperactiveness.

But, everyone has a different reaction to sugar.

ADHD and Caffeine

Caffeine is widely used as a psychotic drug as it is a stimulant to treat ADHD. 

Caffeine raises the dopamine levels (among other chemicals) that our brains use to send signals. It can help you to feel happier, more alert, and more energetic. 

So, when you have ADHD, stimulants should help you to feel calmer and stay focused. This is why caffeine is found in many kinds of beverages like coffee, tea, sodas, and energy drinks, and in food items like chocolates.

However, everyone reacts differently to caffeine. Some might find that caffeine triggers their anxiety or further exacerbates ADHD symptoms.

If that’s the case, you are advised to reduce your caffeine intake or avoid it altogether.

Caffeine and Medication

One common medication that people with ADHD might be on is Adderall.

Now, taking your medication alongside grabbing your normal cup of coffee or a can of energy drink might not be harmful.

However, intentionally mixing caffeinated beverages with Adderall could potentially be harmful.

Some might think it would give extra stimulation, but this is not how you should take it.

Always exercise caution if you are considering combining any medication with caffeine, and consult your doctor for definitive advice on the matter.

Recommended Caffeine Intake

The recommended daily caffeine intake for an adult is a maximum of 400mg.

For the record, here’s how much caffeine the FDA recommends.

AgeRecommended Daily Amount
Kids60-80 mg
Teenagers 100 mg
18 and above400 mg
Recommended Caffeine Intake.

Excess caffeine can cause irritability, stomach upset, headaches, and sleeping problems. It’s therefore wise to monitor your own reaction to your caffeine intake. Some people are a little bit more sensitive to caffeine and can’t even have “mild doses” like a cup of tea.

Personally, my limit is 2 cups of coffee or 2 energy drinks a day, which is only around 200mg of caffeine. But, if I take more than that, I won’t be able to sleep well and my tummy might get upset.

If you’re addicted to caffeine, you could check out a post I’ve written specifically to help people like you. 

As much as caffeine might help adults with ADHD, caffeine is generally not suitable for children, which might in turn cause negative side effects.

If you have ADHD, it’s probably smart to avoid some of the strongest energy drinks in the world, something that I’ve previously written about.

ADHD and Soft Drinks

Soft drinks contain lots of sugar and some caffeine which may trigger ADHD symptoms.

The caffeine content in soft drinks is usually about 20-30mg per can. I would consider that a pretty low amount of caffeine, and it might not even be sufficient as a stimulant to help your ADHD.

That amount of caffeine might be better suited for children, but maybe not for an adult looking for help.

Of course, you could drink a few cans to increase the amount of caffeine you’re consuming, but that comes with the risk of consuming way too much sugar. I believe it’s wise to always choose healthier choices. 

ADHD and Energy Drinks

Energy drinks might be good for you if you have ADHD because caffeine might help with concentration. 

As with caffeine and sugar, energy drinks do not cause ADHD, but there is some association between drinking energy drinks and an increase in hyperactivity.

For adults, I think you can still enjoy your energy drinks with caution as long as you don’t feel a tremendous energy surge that could cause any adverse reactions afterwards.

Watch the video below explaining what caffeine really does to your body.

WATCH & LEARN: What does coffee do to your body?

Best Energy Drinks for ADHD

I am no expert here. Still, I strongly recommend you check with your doctor before trying the list of energy drinks mentioned below.

These are some energy drinks that are worth checking out for those with ADHD:

XS Energy Drink 

Sugar: 0g

Caffeine: 80mg

Calories: 10

XS Energy Drink looks like a seemingly good choice.

80mg of caffeine is a good amount, not too little, not too much. Generally, I like my energy drinks to contain anywhere between 50 to 100mg of caffeine.

Being sugar-free is a plus, but the downside of this brand is the astronomical price. It’s worth a try, but I can’t justify it as an everyday drink because it’s just too darn expensive.

Red Bull Energy Drink 

Sugar: 27g

Caffeine: 80mg

Calories: 110

Red Bull, a common favorite, also has 80mg of caffeine. The regular version also has 27g of sugar and quite a lot of calories. I think I prefer the sugar-free option or a different brand. 

Fun Fact: Did you know that Red Bull was once banned in France?

Xyience Energy Drink 

Sugar: 0g

Caffeine: 176mg

Calories: 0

Xyience Energy Drink (pronounced ‘Science’ with a Z instead of an S), looks good with zero sugar and calories. But, wow 176mg of caffeine!

Although it’s still under the recommended daily caffeine intake, this amounts to about 2 cups of coffee in a single can.

Consider your own caffeine tolerance first before trying this out if you have ADHD. 

This list isn’t exhaustive, if you’re interested to read more about some of the best energy drinks you should definitely check out my other article where I cover quite a bit more information.

REIZE Energy Drink (my favorite)

REIZE Energy Drink is very convenient.
REIZE ships right to your door – talk about convenience!

REIZE has a sensible amount of caffeine, which is enough to give you a subtle energy boost, without overdoing it.

At 50mg of caffeine, REIZE might be the best energy drink for ADHD.

The combination of caffeine, taurine, ginseng, and B group vitamins work together to give me a great energy boost, with no crash in my energy levels afterwards.

It’s also sugar-free and contains just 11 calories per serving.

REIZE ships right to your door for about $1 per drink – including shipping. Now, that’s awesome value for money.

What are you waiting for?

Try REIZE today.

I love it, and I hope you do too.

IMPORTANT: Consult your doctor before switching to any new energy drink, just to double-check that it’s appropriate for you.

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